"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll just write it down." She said, taking a piece of paper and took her pen out of her pocket and wrote Mary's address down.

Jimmy took the small sheet of paper from Marge's hands and mouthed "Thank you" and walked out as fast as he could.

"Was that Jimmy?" Frank asked Marge.

"Yeah." She said.

"What's he doing here? Did he eat?" Frank asked.

"He asked for our Boss' address." She said while they looked at Jimmy ride his car and drove away.

Her apartment building was just 5 minutes away from her restaurant and surprisingly just 10 seconds away from Jimmy's apartment. Their buildings were just across each other.

He went up to the 3rd floor and knocked on the door 3B.

"Who is it?" Mary said faintly.

"Uh, It's Jimmy." He said.

She walked to the door. She was surprised. She didn't want Jimmy to see her at her worst. She looked like she hadn't showered in days. She opened the door to see if it was really him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm checking up on you." He said.

"Well, I'm sick like I told you on the phone, okay?" She said, closing the door.

He quickly stopped the door from closing. "Woah, wait, Can I at least take care of you?" He said.

She looked at his eyes, he seemed sincere but she doesn't like him to see how messy her place is right now. "My place is kinda messy but then, whatever, come in." She said. Jimmy gave her a smile as he walked in her apartment.

It was a big apartment. Lots of space. Very nice interiors, Nice pieces of art that are hung on the wall. A good view of New York city from the Balcony. Half of the walls are glass so you can really see the city scape from anywhere in the apartment. It was sort of a pent house. "Wow." Jimmy said.

"Wow, what?" She said while wiping her nose with tissue.

"Nice place you got here for yourself." Jimmy commented.

"Yeah, thanks." She said and slammed on the bed.

Jimmy looked at Mary. She was easily asleep. Jimmy skimmed through the refrigerator looking for something to cook for Mary. Some kind of soup. And as expected, her fridge is full of food and lots of beer.

He wasn't a good cook but tonight he'll try. He decided to go with cooking mushroom soup since it was pretty easy.

A few minuted later, he fixed a bowl for the soup and brought it to Mary's bedside table.

"Hey." He tapped her shoulders in attempt to waking her up.

"Hey." She said waking up.

"I made you a soup." He said. He was a bit nervous.

She bolted right up. "You did what?"

"Made you. Soup." He said and pointed at the soup bowl beside her bed.

"Jimmy, you didn't have to." She said.

"I wanted to." He fought back.

"Here, let me." Jimmy said. He sat beside Mary and fed her soup. He blew onto each spoonful so that she won't get burnt.

"This is really good." She said.

"You liar!" Jimmy said. His cheeks were turning red.

"No, not kidding." She smiled.

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