Part 30

122 7 4

Mary's POV

Jimmy's asleep, I guess he's tired from all the things we set up around the house. I went outside, it was gloomy but our neighbors were still playing beach volleyball, they were pleasant to look at.

I looked down on my belly, I smiled, my baby's growing fast and is starting to show, I can't wait to see my baby. Honestly, up to now, I still can't believe that I'm having a family with the best man in the world, I can't ask for more. I mean, yeah, he has his flaws and I have mine too, we argue a lot but we resolve it quickly.

I think that's what marriage and having a relationship is supposed to be like, to have someone you love and help them grow into a better person that they should be.

"Mmmm." He moaned softly, I felt him wrap his gentle arms around me. "What're you thinking about?"

I smiled as I continued to watch the girls play volleyball. "Just how perfect you are." I said and then turned around to face him.

"Aw." He kissed me. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too, weirdo."


"Come on, Jim, we're gonna be late for our flight." I said loudly.

"Just a minute." His muffled voice said as he continues to sing in the shower.

A few minutes later, he got out naked.

"Jimmy!!" I said in a serious manner, I was only kidding him. He knows I like it when he is naked.

"What?" He asked. "Come on! You know you love this." Then he pointed down his junk and came closer.

"Rain check? We are seriously going to miss our flight." I said and covered him up with a towel.

"All right all right"


"You okay in there? You got your water?" He asked, as he continued to pack our bags in the car.

"Yup. All set." I answered.

He started the engine and off we go to LAX.

"So, are we going to stay there after the baby's born?" I asked him.

"I could ask for hiatus if you want so we could stay there for a couple of months." He suggested.

"I mean, I want to but if we can't then it's fine." I said honestly.

"Honey, I want you to be comfortable after your delivery. If you want to spend time there, it's all right and I'll stay there with you. I'm sure Lorne would understand." He explained.

"Okay. Thank you, honey, you're the best." I said and massaged his nape as he continued to drive.


We got to LAX just 20 minutes before our plane leaves.

As we were about to get up the plane, a couple
Of teenagers went up to Jimmy and asked for a picture, I volunteered to take the pic.

"No, uh, we also want you to be in the picture." The girl said.

It honestly warmed my heart.

"Let's take a selfie." The other girl said.

"Thanks!" They said in unison as they shook our hands.

"They're kinda sweet." I said.

"All FalPals are sweet." Jimmy said.

"It's kinda cool that they also wanted me to be in the picture."

"I know, pretty awesome right?" He said.

"Yeah, it's a good feeling."


I gave Jimmy the window seat for the first time today, I don't know why, I just felt like it was a good day and I wanted to give him something.

I looked at his eyes as he marvels at the view outside the plane. It was better than any other view.
I am so in love with him, nothing could ever ruin this day.


We got to New York at 8:20 in the evening, Jimmy's car was already waiting for us outside the airport which was convenient since my back was already hurting.

I looked for our apartment keys before getting off the car. He held my hands as we entered the elevator with our bags on the floor.

We owned the whole floor in our apartment so it was pretty strange to see a woman sitting in our doorstep, who is she? It was pretty dark and only a few lights were opened.

I squinted my eyes and as she lifts her head up, I was in shock, I knew she looked familiar. Now I know who she was.


Quick update for you lovely people!!!

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