Chapter 10

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Supergirl POV
Rescuing two high school students from the clutches of Gotham's biggest criminals was not how I planned on spending my field trip. I thought it was going to be fun and educational. Ha! Not even close. I'm flying around the city to spot for clues about Catwoman and Cheetah's whereabouts.
Green Lantern: I didn't expect Gotham's criminals to be this smart.
Batgirl: The thugs are morons. The Joker, Bane and the rest are like A Level criminals. They've been doing this for years.
I would expect them to leave a calling card. Speaking of calling cards.....
Supergirl: Hey guys! Check it out!
I swoop down and land to find a coin lying on the ground.
Wonder Woman: There's a trail.
A trail of coins run past Big Belly Burger and a gas station.
Batgirl: This trail has Two-Face written all over it.
Green Lantern: I don't get it. Why would Two-Face leave his coins lying around? I thought he was OCD-ish about it.
Katana: He could have left them here on purpose.
Frost: Yeah. These guys are sick, but they commit crime in style. Two-Face wants us to follow the coins.
Wonder Woman: He probably set something up.
Green Lantern: Like a trap?
Everyone looks at Hal.
Green Lantern: What? I'm being realistic!
Supergirl: Have a little faith, Hal.
Green Lantern: Easy for you to say.
Batgirl: We're following the coins, but everyone keep your guard up.
We follow the trail that eventually leads to the bank.
Supergirl: I find it weird that we're following a money trail to a bank.
Frost: You said it sister.
Katana: Everyone, prepare yourselves for anything.
Supergirl: Let me use my x-ray vision first.
I can the entire perimeter of the bank to find Two-Face below ground.
Supergirl: Two-Face is in the bunker where the vault is.
Green Lantern: What's he doing down there?
Frost: Well, his truck full of goons isn't here. So he's not robbing the bank.
Katana: Well, I'm going to beat him until he starts spitting out coins!
Katana runs inside the bank.
Wonder Woman: Katana! Wait!
Katana: Hey, guys!
Batgirl: Katana, are you okay?
Katana: We might have a problem!

Harley Quinn POV
-The BatCave-
I didn't know Batman had a vending machine in the BatCave. I managed to snag a bag of cheese doodles, a cupcake, and a bottle of cherry soda. Robin is on the Batcomputer talking to Nightwing, Flash and Ivy are looking at a map of Gotham to see if the can figure out where Catwoman and Cheetah are, Beast Boy is in the refrigerator.
Nightwing: So two Super Hero High students vanished while on a field trip....
Robin: Batgirl is out looking for them right now as we speak.
Nightwing: I hope she didn't go alone.
Robin: She didn't. She has a few of her friends with her.
Alfred walks in.
Alfred: Ah, Master Tim?
Robin: Yes, Alfred?
Alfred: I am here to inform you that Master Bruce won't be home for a while. He is out handling a penguin problem at the zoo.
Robin: Ok, Alfred.
Alfred leaves the room.

Cheetah POV
Lex Luthor turned Catwoman into a mindless zombie!
Cheetah: Catwoman! Can you hear me? You need to wake up!
Lex Luthor: She can't hear you, Cheetah. She's under my control. And so will all the students of Super Hero High.
Cheetah: You're not gonna get away with this Luthor. I know a few students who will stop you.
Lex Luthor: And who may those students be?
Cheetah: Batgirl.....Supergirl.....Wonder Woman....Green Lantern.....Harley Quinn....and Killer Frost.
Lex Luthor: You really think so? Your friends already fell into the trap I had Two-Face set up for them. Take a look.
The screen shows Batgirl, Green Lantern, Frost and the others trapped in a cage.
Cheetah: This can't be happening.
Lex Luthor: Farewell, Cheetah. The next time you see me, I will be sitting in the Oval Office.
Lex Luthor leaves.
We are so screwed.

                           :::::End of Chapter:::::

Authors Note: I would really appreciate it if you guys check out some of my other stories.❤️

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