Note from the Author

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Hello, everyone. I don't want to do this, but I have to put Lost in Gotham on hold for a little while longer. I am currently living at my mother's house because I was terminated from my job and I can afford my own place to live at the moment.

My mother is also financially and emotionally abusive, she took the remaining funds that I had. I also found out that she has been stealing money from me and my sister. So, to prevent any more losses, I was told to my a separate bank account that she does not know about. To bring in some funds until I am employed again, I had to start selling my old clothes again. Selling my old clothes is already risky because my mother will prevent me from making my own money for my independence. On top of that, I also have to stay on top of my school work to pass this semester with A's and B's because my mother threatened to pull me out f school. School is my only freedom away from this place right now.

So until I have the funds to leave this house, I am taking a break from writing. If you guys could give me some tips and advice on what to do, that would be greatly appreciated.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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