Chapter 6

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Batgirl POV
Flash: What do you mean we won't be staying at the hotel?
Principal Waller: Somehow our reservation never went through.
Hal Jordan: That sucks! That really sucks!
Ivy: Hal, it's best that we remain calm.
Batgirl: Ivy's right! No lousy mishap is going to stop is from having the best field trip ever.
Starfire claps and cheers.
Principal Waller: Everyone please remain on the bus until we get this matter resolved.
She gets off the intercom.
Thirty minutes passes by.
Frost: I'm bored.
Beast Boy: I'm hungry.
Star Sapphire: I'm thirsty!
Big Barda: Wonder Woman, everyone is complaining and it's getting very annoying.
Flash speeds off the bus, and then he's back in less than five minutes later.
Katana: Where'd you run off too?
No pun intended.
Flash: To Big Belly Burger. To get myself a value meal.
Beast Boy: Aye bro, you mind sharing some fries?
Flash throws a fry and Beast Boy catches it with his mouth.
Frost: Beast Boy, you are such an animal.
Beast Boy: Duh! I can turn into animals.
Frost: (mumbles underneath her breath) That's not what I meant.
I'm video chatting with Robin.
Robin: Your reservation at the hotel got cancelled? That's TUFF!
Batgirl: I know. It's a bummer, but I'm not gonna let that prevent us from having an awesome field trip.
Alfred: Master Tim! Pay attention to the oven!
Robin: My cookies!!
Robin drops the phone on the table and runs to the oven. He opens the oven, revealing slightly dark brown chocolate chip cookies.
Robin: Whew, they're not ruined.
Alfred: Always pay attention when cooking. You don't want to burn or over cook the food.
Robin: They look good.
Robin touches the baking tray.
Robin: *SHRIIEEEK!!!!*
Bargirl: (laughing) Man, you scream like a girl who's younger than me!
Alfred: One, use an oven mitt. Two, wait for the food to cool Master Tim.
Robin looks very annoyed.
Wonder Woman POV
I was painting my nails with Star Sapphire and Super Girl. My nails were blue with white stars. Star Sapphire's nails were pink with gold hearts. Super Girl's nails were red with blue stripes. Looking out the window, I notice a brown cat entering the hotel. It was weird that the cat looked like it had no eyeballs.
Bellhop: Here kitty kitty kitty!
The bellhop and a few other hotel employees try to corner the cat, but the cat gets defensive. The cat starts to melt into a brown gloppy substance.
It was Clayface! Screams of horror fill the air.
Bellhop: Help!
I spring out of my seat and run off the bus!
Hal Jordan: What's going on?
Star Sapphire: It's Clayface!
Beast Boy: But what's he doing at a hotel?
Katana: The motive is probably money.
Wonder Woman: The motive doesn't matter! He needs to be stopped!
Batgirl: Let's Go!
Flash: It's time to Bolt!
Batgirl: C'mon Frost!
Clayface: Rawr!
Clayface is swallowing everything he sees. He attempts to snag the cash register, but Batgirl swoops in with her grappling hook and tries to pull it from his goopy mucky form.
I'm rescuing civilians from the muck.
Wonder Woman: Get out of here! It's not safe!
Just as I was rescuing a mother and her child, Clayface grabbed me with his sticky arms. Next thing I knew, I was stuck.
Wonder Woman: Hey! Let me go!
Batgirl, who was still fighting with Clayface for the cash register threw a batbomb at him. The impact of the explosion sent the cash register flying. Batgirl cartwheeled after it. Finally, I used my strength to break free from Clayface's embrace. I pull out my sword. Clayface tries to launch an attack, but I block it and I counteract it. Flash and Frost come to help.
Frost: It's time for you to chill Clayface!
She uses her ice magic to freeze him.
Now there's a giant ice statue in the lobby.
Flash: How are they going to get him to Arkam Asylum?
Frost: Beats me....
The hotel manager shows up from the crowd of distressed people.
Manager: Thank you so much! You saved us! You defeated that giant muck monster! How can I ever repay you?
Flash: Actually sir.... there is one way. Our principal made a reservation and it got canceled or never went through.
Manager: Ahhh, yes. You guys are from that school from Metropolis on a field trip, aren't you?
Batgirl: That's us!
Manager: We'll take care of that right away. Our system was acting up for some reason.
Finally, things were going on the right track.
::::::::End of Chapter:::::::

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