Chapter 15

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Barda, Thunder, Lightning, and I are playing cards when the phone rings. Barda gets up to answer it.
-Big Barda-
-Lucius Fox-
"This is Mr. Fox. Principal Waller wants all the students to come the ballroom immediately."
-Big Barda-
-Lucius Fox-
"No questions, just get to the ballroom."
Mr. Fox hangs up.
"Who was that?"
-Big Barda-
"Mr. Fox. Waller wants all students to the ballroom."
"What for?"
-Big Barda-
"He didn't say, so it must be serious."
"Then let's go."
We walk out the door and head downstairs. On the way down we run into Cyborg.
"Hey, have you guys seen Beast Boy? We were supposed to play videogames together."
"Nah, we haven't."
"Come to think of it, I haven't seen Wonder Woman either. We're supposed to be roomies."
Star Sapphire flies by.
-Star Sapphire-
"Have you guys seen Frost? She's my roommate."
-Big Barda-
"We haven't."
"Cyborg and Bumblebee are missing their roommates as well."
"Maybe Waller will tell us what's going on."
We all finish making our way downstairs to the ballroom where chairs are set up in rows. Red Tornado is by the door taking names. When everyone is seated in their seats, Principal Waller steps up to the podium.
-Principal Waller-
"Are all students accounted for?"
-Red Tornado-
"We are missing the following students, Ms. Waller: Beast Boy, Batgirl, Rose Wilson, Flash, Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Frost, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Katana, Wonder Woman and Supergirl."
-Wonder Woman-
"Supergirl and I are here."
Supergirl floats in using Wonder Woman as support.
-Red Tornado-
"Wonder Woman and Supergirl are here."
"What happened to Supergirl?"
"I don't know."
Principal Waller speaks.
-Principal Waller-
"I'm sure you all are wondering why we are missing students, and why Supergirl girl is injured. I called this assembly to discuss that."
-Star Sapphire-
"What's going on?"
-Principal Waller-
"The students of Superhero High are in grave danger. Let me rephrase that, Gotham City and Metropolis are in danger."
The ballroom fills with whispers and murmurs.
-Principal Waller-
"Cheetah, please come up to the podium."
Cheetah walks up to the podium. Principal Waller steps aside.
"Last night, Catwoman decided to sneak out and go to a charity gala and swipe the jewel they were showcasing. I told her it was a bad idea, but she wanted to do it anyway. So, I went along with her to make sure nothing bad happened. But something did. Wonder Woman?"
Wonder Woman walks up to the podium, along with Raven, Zatanna, Miss Martian.
-Wonder Woman-
"Yesterday, there was also a prisoner break out at Arkham Asylum. Multiple prisoners escaped including Mr. Freeze, Bane, Killer Croc, Two-Face, Penguin, and the Joker. Lex Luthor helped them escape."
"The jewel that Catwoman wanted so badly, it isn't an ordinary jewel. It is one of five of the dark crystals."
"Each crystal contains energy that is too much for any mortal to handle on their own. The Sentinels of Magic had one of them, which was stolen by Circe. Circe gave it to Lex Luthor because she made a deal with him."
"The gala was a trap. Lex Luthor is using the crystal to power his hypnotic ray, which he is using to mind control the citizens of Gotham. Catwoman and I were captured. I managed to escape. Unfortunately, Lex Luthor used the ray on Catwoman."
Robin walks up to the podium.
"The Batcave was attacked last night by ninjas led by Lex Luthor. Poison Ivy, Beast Boy, and the Flash were with me and Alfred. Harley Quinn sacrificed herself so the rest of us could get to safety. It's sad to say Lex Luthor was able to get control of her mind as well."
-Miss Martian-
"Katana was also taken into custody by Lex Luthor. It is safe to say that she is alright because she has been communicating with us giving us insight of when Luthor is making his move."
"Wonder Woman, Katana, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Frost , and I were searching the streets trying to locate Catomand Cheetah. We ran into Two-Face, who had a trap ready for us. Unfortunately it was made out of Kryptonite. Commissioner Gordon and Batman came to our rescue."
"Speaking of Batman, Lex Luthor has one of the dark crystals. There are four others located around the world. If he gets his hands on all of them, then Gotham and Metropolis are at stake. We believe he is building a super weapon. Raven and I have a map that tells us the location of all the crystals."
-Miss Martian-
"One of the crystals is located in Fiji. Batman has sent Frost and Green Lantern to retrieve it before Deathstroke does. Our friends are accompanied by Rose Wilson and US Forces Special Operations Specialist, Rick Flag."
-Wonder Woman-
"The next crystal is located in Hungary. Batman has sent Poison Ivy and Beast Boy, who are also accompanied by John Constantine to get it before the dark archer, Malcom Merlyn."
"The fourth jewel is in Costa Rica. Batman went to go retrieve it along with Batgirl and the Flash. They have to get it before Ra's Al Ghul does."
-Principal Waller-
"There is one more crystal we have to get. Raven, can you tell where it is?"
"It's in Cancún."
-Star Sapphire-
"Where's Cancún?"
-Lady Shiva-
"It's in Mexico."
-Principal Waller-
"Wonder Woman, Miss Martian. You guys are going to Mexico to retrieve the last crystal. Aquaman will meet you there."
"Be careful, because when I was in captivity I overheard one of the guards saying Luthor is sending Bane to Mexico on an assignment."
-Miss Martian-
"You got it, Cheetah. C'mon, Wonder Woman!"
Miss Martian and Wonder Woman fly out of the ballroom.
"What about the rest of us, Principal Waller?"
-Principal Waller-
"While they are busy attempting to foil Luthor's plans, the rest of us will be doing whatever it takes to protect the citizens of Gotham and Metropolis. I forgot to mention that Superman is in the building."
"Sit down, Cyborg!"
-Principal Waller-
"Batman called Superman after we found out that Katana was abducted."
Superman walks into the ballroom with his chin and his shoulders up. Principal Waller steps out of the way so he can speak.
"Good afternoon, students of Superhero High. I'm sure your principal and your fellow students that are standing up here have informed you about how dire the situation is. Batman is in Costa Rica trying to get one of the crystals before Ra's Al Ghul. Ms. Waller, your teachers, and I will be in charge of this operation."
I raise my hand.
"What is the operation, exactly?"
"To protect the citizens of Gotham and Metropolis."
"We have to watch out for the villains Lex Luthor accompanied on his plan. For instance, Circe has the power to control minds. She also can turn people into animals and make them work for her. They're called Bestiamorphs. If we take out the Bestiamorphs, we can get Circe out of the game."
"Yeah, but in order to do that we need to find out where Circe collects her victims."
"Two-Face is still at large, and unfortunately Luthor entrusted him with Kryptonite."
Barda raises her hand.
-Principal Waller-
"Yes, Big Barda."
-Big Barda-
"What if we all split into groups, and each group will handle certain tasks?"
"That could work."
-Star Sapphire-
"We could all communicate with each other to see how everyone is doing."
-Principal Waller-
"That sounds like a plan."
"How is Luthor going to use the hypnotic ray on everyone in Gotham and Metropolis?"
"He'd might have to shoot it at a cellphone tower or a satellite and it could send radio waves to everyone's TV or whatever."
"We are going to split up into teams to take down Lex Luthor and his accomplices. Each team will be accompanied by an adult."
-Principal Waller-
"Team One will be Hawkgirl, Starfire, Darkfire, and Star Sapphire. You guys are going find Circe and take out the Bestiamorphs. You will accompanied by Red Tornado."
-Star Sapphire-
-Principal Waller-
"Team Two will be Dr. Light, Mammoth, and Jinx. You guys are going to find Two-Face and take the Kryptonite out of his hands. Liberty Belle will go with you."
"I'll turn him into black and blue face!"
-Principal Waller-
"Team Three will be Ray, Guardian, and Scorch. You guys are going into LexCorp. If he's building a super weapon, you disrupt the process. Etrigan will go with you."
Principal Waller takes a minute to breathe.
"Do you want me to take over?"
-Principal Waller-
"Team Four will be Mera, Adam Strange, and Animal Man. You guys are going to bring in Mr. Freeze. I have a feeling he may be at the Ice Cream Factory here in Gotham. You will be accompanied by Ms. Moon."
"Yes, sir!"
"Team Five will be Black Orchid, Bunker, and Psimon. You guys are going to bring Bane to Justice. Be careful. He's a big one. Your vice principal will go with you."
-Principal Waller-
"Make sure you protect them, Grodd."
-Gorilla Grodd-
"You have my word."
"Team Six will be Thunder, Lightning, and Elasti-Girl. You guys are going to bring in Killer Croc. I recommend that you remain in strong caution for he is literally a mutant crocodile. You will be accompanied by Lucius Fox. Lucius, I hope you have some weapons that are strong enough to knock him out."
-Lucius Fox-
"Oh, don't worry. I'll handle him."
"Mary Marvel, Hawk, Dove, Big Barda, Arrowette, Fire, the rest of the faculty and I will get the citizens off the streets and fight whatever Luthor tries to send at us."
-Principal Waller-
"Shiva, Cyborg, Vibe, Blue Beetle, Raven and Zatanna will stay here with me and Commissoner Gordon. Raven and Zatanna are going to keep looking until we can find a way to destroy those crystals. Blue Beetle and Cyborg are going to put their genius minds to use."
"What about me and Shiva?"
-Principal Waller-
"You two are going to assist Commissoner Gordon. He has a special assignment for you two."
"All right! Let's move out."

End of Chapter

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