Chapter 16: Family Issues In Fiji

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Lautoka, Fiji
Lautoka is actually very beautiful. I was expecting a hot jungle. Green Lantern, Ravager and I are following the lead of Rick Flag.
-Rick Flag-
"Rose, I'm surprised your dad went along with this deal."
"Lex Luthor probably paid him, or he bribed him with revenge on Batman and Nightwing. Like that'll ever happen."
-Green Lantern-
"I'm getting an energy reading coming from the South direction."
"It could be the crystal."
We start heading down south.
"So, what's the deal with these crystals, anyway?"
-Green Lantern-
"They contain powerful energy and Lex Luthor is using them for world domination."
-Rick Flag-
"Lex Luthor will get at anything to be president of the United States. He's like a toddler begging for candy at the grocery store."
Hal's radar starts beeping.
-Green Lantern-
"The signal is getting stronger."
"That means we must be close."
The further we move down the path, the faster Hal's radar beeps. It stops beeping once we reach a village.
-Rick Flag-
"Who in their right mind would bury a powerful ancient relic near civilians?"
"Hal, shouldn't your radar still be beeping?"
-Green Lantern-
"I didn't build this thing."
-Rick Flag-
"Everyone spread out. It's in the village somewhere."
Green Lantern searches the lake, while Rick Flag searches around the village. Ravager is looking at something on the ground.
"Not just any footprints. They're my dad's size fifteens. He's here somewhere."
Ravager presses her communicator on her ear.
"Bad news, Flag. Slade is here."
-Rick Flag-
"Find him. I'll contact Dinah. We're gonna bring him into Blackgate."
"Roger that. Over."
I look around.
"Keep an eye out, Frost. He could be anywhere."
Ravager and I proceed into the village with our guards up. A shuriken flies past my face. I shoot ice at the direction it came from, and there I see Deathstroke with one of his hands stuck to the ice. Ravager gets her swords out. I contact Hal.
"We found Deathstroke! Did you find the crystal?"
-Green Lantern-
"Yeah. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, tell Flag Dinah needs to get here now! And get ready to fight!"
-Green Lantern-
"Copy that!"
Deathstroke punches the ice till it breaks. His hand is free.
"Give me the crystal and I'll go easy on you and your friend."
"We all know that's not possible."
"Then this is going to hurt really bad."
He punches Ravager in the stomach. She stumbles then regains her balance. Ravager roundhouse kicks Slade in the face! Deathstroke crashes into a fruit stand. The vendor runs and hides. People start coming out of their homes to see what the commotion is.
"Go back into your homes! It's dangerous!"
As Deathstroke gets back up, Hal flies in knocking him back with green beams.
"Shouldn't you kids be in school?"
-Green Lantern-
"Says the scary pumpkin."
Deathstroke starts shooting at Hal, but he deflects Deathstroke's bullets with a shield he made from his power ring. I create an ice storm and surround Deathstroke. Ravager sneaks up on him from the fog and Butterfly Kicks him. Deathstroke recovers from Ravager's butterfly kick and grabs her by the neck!
"We could've been one big happy family, Rose."
"Too bad I have daddy issues."
Ravager bites Deathstrokes hand! He drops her. Rick Flag comes and punches Deathstroke in the face.
-Rick Flag-
"I'm bringing you in, Wilson."
"We'll see about it, Flag."
Deathstroke throws smoke bombs and they go off. Hal uses a fan he made from his ring to clear the smoke. When everything is visible, we see Deathstroke on the ground, underneath Batwoman's boot! We also see a military plane with  agents running out. Approaching from the plane is Black Canary.
"Nightwing's gonna be glad to see you, Slade."
-Black Canary-
"Hey, Rick. Hey, kids."
Black Canary looks down at Deathstroke.
-Black Canary-
"Cuff him, boys!"
A group of agents apprehend Deathstroke and put him in a metal cage. Then they tie the cage in chains and escort it to the plane.
-Rick Flag-
"Did you get the crystal, Lantern?"
-Green Lantern-
Rick Flag presses his ear piece.
-Rick Flag-
"This is Flag to Batman. We have apprehended Deathstroke and we got what we came for. I'm escorting the students back to the base."

::::End of Chapter::::

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