Chapter 9

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The Batcave___
Batgirl POV
Catwoman and Cheetah have disappeared and Gotham villains are at large after a break in at Arkham Asylum. What a day! Robin is hacking the camera's throughout the city so we can get a lead.
Robin: No one knew Catwoman and Cheetah were gone?
Beast Boy: Bro, they just disappeared without a trace.
Green Lantern: Are you sure they didn't rob a candy store?
Wonder Woman: They could be in danger Hal!
Batgirl: Wonder Woman is right! With the Joker and these other villains lose, they could be in trouble.
Green Lantern: Why are you defending her, Wonder Woman? Isn't she the same girl who picks on you everyday in school? She's constantly trying to make you look bad. She sabotaged you in flight class!
Frost: Let it go, Hal.
Green Lantern: She makes fun of Batgirl because she has no powers!
Batgirl: Shut up, Hal!
Green Lantern: She made fun of Supergirl because of her powers!
Supergirl: Hal, drop it!
Green Lantern: She got you in trouble in Weaponomics!
Harley Quinn: Hal Jordan, if you don't shut your yip-yappin' mouth!
Green Lantern: She Beat Flash in a race!
Flash: Dude, that's like not even relevant.
Green Lantern: She turned my suit pink!
Everyone: Hal, shut up!!!!!
Beast Boy: Bro, just let it go.
Wonder Woman: Cheetah is envious of me, so what? That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop looking for her. I'm going to bring Cheetah and Catwoman back. They could be in trouble. Good or bad, Cheetah and Catwoman are still students at Super Hero High. And they need help.
Ivy: Wonder Woman is right Hal. Just because you have a problem with Cheetah doesn't mean she deserves the worst.
Robin: I'm in the city's surveillance system. Cheetah and Catwoman were  seen at least 3 blocks away from the Casino. Two-Face was seen at the Casino with the Riddler.
Flash: That can't be good.
Batgirl: There's a Charity Gala tonight!
Robin: Yeah! About a block and a half away from Big Belly Burger. Speaking of the gala, Cheetah and Catwoman were last seen in a alley outside the gala.
Batgirl: You don't think they went on a jewel heist do you?
Robin: Jewel heist or not, Joker was seen outside the gala at the same time Cheetah and Catwoman we're outside.
Ivy looks at the screen as well.
Ivy: Heyyyy, so was Bane.
Beast Boy: And Killer Croc.
Killer Frost: And Mr. Freeze
We watch as Joker, Bane and Killer Croc blockade Cheetah and Catwoman in the alley. As we watch as the villains take off in a truck, we notice that Catwoman and Cheetah are no longer in the alley.
Harley Quinn: They snatched up Cheetah and Catwoman!!
Harley screams at the top of her lungs.
Supergirl: Harley! Calm down.
Beast Boy: Great! Now we have to go into those crime-invested streets to save them! How nice!
Katana: We need a plan.
Batgirl: You're right. They could've taken them anywhere in Gotham.
Wonder Woman: And we don't know what the Joker has in store for us.
Frost: So Cheetah and Catwoman have been kidnapped?
Green Lantern: Yes.
Frost: We need to access the scene of the crime. Look for clues. Something that can point us in the right direction.
Batgirl: We have to go to the place where they last were.
Flash: We have to go to that alley.
Batgirl: Me, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Katana, Frost and Green Lantern will go to the alley. Beast Boy!
Beast Boy: Yeah?
Batgirl: You, Flash, Harley and Ivy will stay here. Help Robin, protect the Batcave, protect Alfred. Keep us posted in case anything happens, got it?
Beast Boy: You got it!
Batgirl: To the alley!
Cheetah POV
I'm locked in a cage with Catwoman. Seriously! I could've been painting my nails right now.
Catwoman: Let us out!
Guard: Will you please stop?!
Catwoman: No! Let us out!
Cheetah: If you hadn't dragged me with you to swipe that stupid jewel, we wouldn't be trapped in a cage Catwoman!
Catwoman: You know you could've left!
Cheetah: And watch you get busted for your stupid escapades? Ha! Not a chance!
Guard: If you guys are gonna argue, can you at least keep it down while I get some shuteye?
Just then, Lex Luthor appears. He looks at the guard.
Lex Luthor: Wake up, Frank! What do I pay you for if you're going to fall asleep and not do your job?
Guard: Why do I work for you if I can't get a decent cup of coffee to keep me awake to do my job? Or how about an energy drink?
Lex mumbles something under his breath. It sounded like, "Why do I bother with these fools?"
Cheetah: Cut to the chase, Lex! Tell us why we're here so we can make this quick so I can leave!
Lex Luthor: No you don't! Not until I tell you my plan and how you're involved!
Cheetah: Yeah.....I'd rather not know about your plan on you're gonna become president of the world.
Lex Luthor: Ok, now you're really making me angry.
Cheetah: Why, you're very welcome.
Two-Face: Are ya done arguing with a kid, Lex? Some of us have a tight schedule.
Lex Luthor: Going after the diamond was part of the plan, but Catwoman made our situation so much easier.
Catwoman: What?
Firefly: Dude! Wrap this up already!
The Riddler: Luthor is using the diamond to power his hypnotic-ray to take over the minds of all the people in Gotham as ransom to be made president.
Cheetah: What is your deal with being president besides the fact that you're power hungry?
Lex Luthor: But why use the people of Gotham, when I can have Metropolis as well?
Cheetah: Over my dead body!
Joker: How about a little demonstration?
A guard opens the cage and grabs Catwoman.
Catwoman: Let me go, you moron!
Cheetah: This is too far Luthor!
Lex Luthor: Oh, is it?
The Joker aims the hypnotic-ray at Catwoman.
Cheetah: Stop it!
But it was too late.

_____End of Chapter _____

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