Minimum Security

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"Massive internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity, Gerald," Ducky noted as he performed an autopsy "That's enough." Ducky cut the body "My friend you must have been in acute pain for many hours. What kept you from seeking help, I wonder? Run the gut for me, would you, please, Gerald?"

"Not a problem," Gerald responded

Ducky moved over to the Xrays "It's definitely a blockage. It's strange, through. It seems to consist of a cluster of objects,"


"Oh, my, no. Gallstones that large could never pass through the cystic duct. And even if they did, they wouldn't all be expelled at the same time. Although I did find a gallbladder once with almost a kilo of large stones. Of course, the victim was a sumo wrestler who weighed over 200 kilos. He was in the middle of a bout. He just went..." Ducky imitated a crash as he threw his arms down.

"They're stones, Doc." Gerald interrupted as he looked at the intestine.

"Not gallstones,"

Gerald picked up a magnifyer "Emeralds,"


Gibbs looked at the emeralds as Ducky spoke to him.

"It was lodged in his gastrointestinal tract," Ducky explained "causing perforation of the peritoneum, internal bleeding, infection and death,"

"He swallowed emeralds," Gibbs said

"He did, indeed,"

"I'm going to take a wild guess here, Doc. He smuggled them into the country,"

"It's from where he smuggled them in, Jethro. Our sailor just arrived from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he was a translator,"


"Petty Officer Second Class Khalil Sa'id," Kate said as the identity of Ducky's corpse was put on the screen in the bullpen. "Naturalized American citizen, born in Egypt. Worked as a translator at Camp Delta, fluent in Arabic, Uyghur, Pashtu. Died in his car on route 522 near Fredricksburg. Almost killed a pair of bikers,"

"Vroom-vroom bikers or pedal bikers?" Tony asked

"I said bikers, Tony, not cyclists,"

"Biker is a term that refers to both cyclists..."

"Next of kin?" Gibbs interrupted

"None in the States. No U.S. address, either,"

"Sounds familiar," Tony muttered

"And apparently he rotated from our naval station in Bahrain to Gitmo five months ago,"

"Where'd he get those emeralds?" Gibbs questioned

"Gitmo exchange?" Tony suggested "Sorry,"

"Get your gear. We're going to Gitmo,"

Tony laughed "That's a good one, boss." he looked over at Kate "He was kidding, right?"

"I don't think so," Kate told him

"We're going to Cuba!" Tony cheered "Ha-ha!"


"Hey, Gibbs," Caly greeted without looking up from what she and Abby were working on.

"I've got a gemologist coming over to look at the rocks," Abby explained to Gibbs. "He's my mother's friend's sister's son,"

"Does he know his stuff?" Gibbs asked as he put on a pair of gloves.

"I went out with him, like, once. Didn't get very far,"

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