Hung Out to Dry

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 Gibbs and I were in the basement, Gibbs working on his boat. The television playing a football game. Tony appeared at the top of the stairs. "Don't you lock the door?"

"Nope," me and him said at the same time

Tony walked down the stairs "We got a call. Quantico. Marine got killed in an exercise,"

"How?" I voiced

"Night training jump. Guy's chute didn't open." Tony examined the wooden frame "Is this a boat?"

Gibbs gave him a look, as if to say 'what kind of stupid question is that?' then with a shake of the head, went back to sanding his boat. "His reserve chute failed to open?" I continued

"I don't know." Tony looked at a jar of orange liquid on the tabletop, inside was a cellphone "Huh. I tried your cell. I tried your hard line, too." I looked over to see the wall-mounted phone had been ripped out. Tony looked at me for answers.

I shook my head "Don't ask,"

"You know," Tony chuckled "my dad gave me a power-sander for my birthday. I don't really power-sand much. You're welcome to it,"

"Except for that bare bulb there and the cord going to that idiot box," Gibbs said "you see a power cord around here anywhere?"

Tony took a quick look around just to check, then shrugged. He stroked a hand slowly along the smoothed surface Gibbs was working on, admiring it. "You use hand tools, huh?" Tony asked appreciatively.

"I use my hands. You call Ducky?"

"Not yet,"

Gibbs headed up the stairs "Give me your cell." he held out a hand. Tony tossed Gibbs his cell phone, then turned around to look at the broken telephone Gibbs ripped down. Gibbs exited the basement.

I followed after him and looked down at Tony "Coming, DiNozzo?"

"Yeah. I got the li-" I smirked as I headed out the door knowing Gibbs had turned the lights off on him "Light,"


Big klieg lights were turned on, illuminating the area around the car with the paratrooper's body still in it. A marine walked with Gibbs, Tony and I to the car "He impaled an SUV?" Tony asked

"Like he was laser-guided, sir," the Marine replied

"Where are the other jumpers?" I asked

He indicated a group of Marines off to the side "Over there, ma'am. They landed in the drop zone 400 meters north of the road,"

"Just one stick?" Gibbs asked

"Yes, sir. I guess the Jump Master held the others back when the victim's chute didn't open,"

"Did you secure the paraloft and the aircraft?" I questioned

"Yes, ma'am. I also have the Marines who didn't make the jump under guard at the hanger,"

"Yeah, put them with the others. Just keep 'em all separated," Gibbs told him

"Yes, sir,"

"Oh my god," I looked over at a girl

"These the witnesses?" I asked

"Yes, ma'am,"

"My dad's gonna kill me." The girl told a medic "He's on duty, and he doesn't know that I took his SUV,"

"Your dad's a Marine?" I asked

"Yes," she replied looking at me questionably, but it didn't bother me I was used it after all.

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