My Other Left Foot [6]

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"The manual says it takes three minutes to change a tire on the LAV-25. The manual was written by an Army pogue!" A Marine told his men.

The other marines laughed.

"I say Marines can do it in less than two! What do you say?"

"Ooh-rah!" The Marines exclaimed.

"Make it happen," The Marine started the stopwatch.

Gibbs walked up to the man "Gunny Vesta. Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS,"

"I recall an MP Gibbs. Lejeune. A longygt7y time ago,"

"Could be," Gibbs nodded.

"He was high and tight,"

"Not exactly long and shaggy, Gunny," Gibbs said as he brushed his head.

"Seen sheep dogs shorter,"

"Don't recall you,"

"Court Street. J-ville,"

"Broke up a lot of brawls there,"

"Yeah, I was one of them. Got me a week in the brig,"

"Gonna hold that against me?"

"Naw. You were one of the better prison chasers. You gave us smoke breaks on our work detail. That's why I remember you." Vespa looked down at the stopwatch "45 seconds! How can I help you, Gibbs?"

"PFC Thomas Dorn," Gibbs replied.

"Ain't heard that sandbagger's name since he OD'd a couple of years ago,"

"Death certificate says heart attack,"

Vespa nodded "Coke-induced, I'll bet,"

"If he was a cokehead, why didn't you boot his butt out?" Gibbs wondered.

"Car accident beat me to it,"

"He have any buds?"

"A couple. He was tight with Corporal Morgan. He went UA same time Dorn kicked,"

"Bet you never found him, right?"

"Not that I heard of. Probably holed up in some backwaterville with that redhead they used to run with,"


"Yeah, that's her name. She was a fox. And both Dorn and Morgan were shacking up with her. You know her?"

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know her. Dorn's half-sister,"

"She didn't act like no sister." Vespa looked down at the stopwatch "Minute 30! Why are you...why are you asking about this now?"

"Dorn's leg was found deep-sixed in a dumpster two days ago,"

"Two days? Some ghoul dig him up?"

"No. He had beaucoup life insurance. From what you just told me, it looks like he and Melissa killed Corporal Morgan. She identified the body as Dorn, cremated him, and claimed the insurance,"

"Then who killed Dorn?"

"Well, the foxy lady may be a black widow,"

"Ooh-rah!" The Marines chanted once they had completed their task.

Vespa showed Gibbs the stopwatch "You want to tell 'em?"

Gibbs looked at the stopwatch and smirked "Ooh-rah!"

"Ooh-rah!" The Marines said back.


"Hey, what's wrong?" Gibbs asked as he saw both Caly and Abby looking at the computer in distress.

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