One Shot, One Kill [3]

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"Relax your hand," Kate told Tony as the group ate takeout in the bullpen. "Or you're never going to get it in your mouth,"

"I'm trying," Tony argued as he worked on getting the noodles onto his chopsticks, "but this thing's too damn slippery,"

"You're never going to impress a girl that way,"

"Oh, whatever. Just promise me, the next time we decide to do this, Kate, make sure that they don't forget the forks,"

Caly giggled as she watched Tony's failed attempts and easily guided her chopsticks to her mouth.

"No one likes a show-off," Tony huffed at the kid.

Cal retorted by sticking her tongue out at him.

"Screw this." Tony huffed. "Got any soup?"

Kate reached into the bag and handed Tony a styrofoam bowl.

Caly smirked as the elevator doors opened to reveal Gibbs walking out.

"That had better not be mine, DiNozzo," Gibbs said.

"Gibbs ordered soup?" Tony whispered to the two girls.

"Yep," Cal nodded.

"Great." Tony looked up at Gibbs. "If it's any consolation, it's not very good,"

Gibbs reached over the desk and grabbed Tony's discarded food. "Who's Choi Mein?"

"Tony's," Kate and Caly replied.

"Good. So, anything interesting in Alvarez's complaint file?"

"Well, it seems he had a gift for exaggerating the opportunities available in the Marine Corps," Kate explained.

"You'll like this one, boss," Tony added. "One guy wanted to be a paramedic, so Alvarez guaranteed him the Corps would train him to save lives,"

Gibbs chuckled.

"What's wrong with that?" Kate asked.

"The Marine Corps doesn't have medical personnel," Cal revealed. "They're all Navy,"

"Technically, he is correct." Gibbs reasoned, "I mean, Marines do save lives. Mostly through the use of superior firepower,"

"Well, it's pretty much his MO," Kate noted. "The bait and switch. This kid wanted to be a pilot. Alvarez told him that he'd be sitting in a cockpit by his second year,"

"Plane mechanic?" Tony voiced.

"Close. Ejection seat technician,"

"Any of them contain threats?" Gibbs asked.

"No." Caly shook her head. "Not yet, at least,"

"You know, come to think of it, you never told us why you enlisted, boss," Tony looked over at Gibbs.

"That's because it's personal," Gibbs replied as he picked up his phone.

"That's what I told him," Cal said as she glared at Tony.

"Did his recruiter tell him a fast one?" Kate asked Caly.

Cal snorted. "You honestly think someone could lie to my dad and get away with it?"

Gibbs hung up his phone. "That's our authorization for the building Cal thinks the sniper fired from,"

"Tony, Cal, you're with me,"

"Why, in case I'm wrong?" Caly challenged.

"What about me?" Kate voiced.

"Nope. I need to see if there's a murderer hiding in that stack of files,"

"That's usually Cal's expertise," Kate argued.

"Good luck," Cal called from the elevator.

Kate huffed as she was left alone in the bullpen. "Alone, eating Chinese food again. Oh, what a refreshing change, Kate,"


"Well, it's a nice neighborhood," Tony noted as the trio walked through the dark alleyway. "Couple a coats of paint. Maybe a bulldozer,"

"You're looking at the reason Alvarez made quota every month," Gibbs pointed out.

"Actually, I think I'm looking at vomit,"

"He was trying to give these kids a real chance to get out of here,"

"Sounds familiar," Caly muttered. "The problem is, some of them were too young or ignorant to realize it,"

"Maybe," Tony shrugged, not hearing Cal's double meaning, "but you got to admit he had a unique approach,"

"You got a key?" Gibbs asked.

"Right here," Tony said as he wiggled the key in the lock. "Thing's stuck,"

Caly rolled her eyes and moved Tony aside as she began to pick the lock.

"Got something to tell me, Cal?" Gibbs voiced.

"No, sir," Cal claimed as she walked onto the elevator lift.

The team rode the elevator up and looked around.

"Hey, DiNozzo, kind of reminds me of your apartment," Gibbs kidded.

"Except for that minty fresh urine smell," Caly cringed.

"For your information, I have a maid now," Tony reasoned.

"You can afford a maid?" Cal laughed.

"It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to pay three alimonies,"

"Oh, snap," Caly hurried ahead and stopped at a brick wall. "Well, this doesn't make any sense,"

"You sure this is the wall facing the recruiting station?"

"Yeah," Cal said. "Northeast,"

"Your trajectory's got to be wrong,"

Caly aimed her flashlight beam into Tony's eyes.

"Let's get busy," Gibbs told the duo.

Tony took pictures of the scaffoldings in the room. "Well, I don't know what we got, but I'm done,"

"Hey, got your knife?" Gibbs called out.

Cal handed him hers. "Rule number nine: Never go anywhere without a knife,"

She leaned down to see what Gibbs was looking at. "Woah, this guy is good,"

"What exactly are we looking for here?" Tony asked.

Gibbs cut the loose brick. "This right here." he handed it to Caly. "Let's bag it,"

Cal handed the brick to DiNozzo as she moved to look through the brick. "We have a major problem,"

"What do you see?" Gibbs asked.

"A shooter who is highly intelligent and methodical, and it's not me,"

"Out of a thousand bricks in this wall..." Gibbs noted."He only removed the one he needed,"

Caly took a picture of the brick.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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