My Other Left Foot [4]

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 "What are you thinking?" Kate asked Tony as the duo exited the office and out into the outdoors of the small town.

"Estee Lauder," Tony replied.

"The perfume?"

"She was wearing it. Older ladies seem to like it. Had an ex-girlfriend who used it,"

"Is that why she's an ex-girlfriend?"

"Exactly. How does a sister misidentify her brother?"

"She doesn't,"

"We going to have to report the autopsy screw-up?"

"Aw, do I detect a soft heart thing happening here?" Kate teased.

Tony looked over at Kate in realization "That's it, isn't it? The tattoo's a heart,"

"We're back on that again,"

"I just can't imagine you getting a tattoo, that's all,"

"I was drunk," Kate argued.

"I can't imagine you drunk, either." Tony claimed as they got in the car "So...if it's not a heart..."

"It's a rose." Kate admitted "On my butt. Can we move on now?"

"Sure." Tony smiled as he buckled his seatbelt.

"So we are done with this then?"

"We are done." Tony paused "Kate, which cheek is it on?"


"What killed him?" Gibbs asked as he walked with Caly and Abby through the headquarters.

"Digitalis," Abby replied.

"The heart medication?"

"Yep." Cal nodded "The tox level in Dorn's leg alone was enough to kill a bull,"

"Would an overdose give symptoms of a heart attack?"

"You're thinking our leg and that Marine that died two years of a heart attack are tied together?"

"Rule 39 Cal,"

"There's no such thing as coincidences,"

"It's perfectly normal," Tony argued with Kate as they came back into the bullpen.

"On a race track, maybe,"

"Women will never understand taking a little car ride and trying to beat your best time,"

"I hate it when men do that," Abby said.

"See, this is a woman thing,"

"Hey!" Caly exclaimed.

"Minus, Cal,"

"How'd you do?" Gibbs asked.

"Pretty good. I beat my time by four minutes, including construction detours,"

"In Harmony," Gibbs corrected.

"Oh, uh...Doc Chalmers is a very sweet little old lady who unfortunately also happens to be the local coroner. Small town, boss. Small town,"

"A woman claiming to be Dorn's sister ID'd the body and then conned her into skipping the autopsy and cremating the body," Kate added.

"Cremation. It's a dead-end," Abby declared.

Cal shook her head.


"This woman must be some sweet talker," Gibbs said.

"Well, it's more Dr. Chalmers is a very connable little old lady," Kate said.

"Probably gets her roof shingled and her driveway tarred every year," Tony teased.

"Does Dorn even have a sister?" Gibbs wondered.

Kate looked over the file "His military file indicates his only living relative is a half-sister, Melissa Dorn,"

"Put a trace on her?"

"Well, I did the best I can balancing my laptop while pulling five-G turns,"

"That's child's play," Caly laughed.

"10 Mill Road, Comus, Maryland," Kate said.

"Keys," Gibbs ordered.

"What?" Tony asked, "I can't drive 'cause Kate's chicken?"

"I'm not a chicken," Kate retorted.

"You can't drive 'cause you're not going," Gibbs told them.

"Oh. That's different," Tony said

Cal smirked as she grabbed her coat only to frown when Gibbs pushed her back into the chair "Why aren't I going?"

"'Cause, you're going to be doing a background check on Melissa Dorn. Kate, you coming?"

Caly huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Do you guys know where Kate has her tat?" Tony asked the duo.

"Yep," Cal and Abby replied.


Gibbs unbuckled as he and Kate arrived at Melissa's house. "Watch her body language." He told Kate.

"What are we looking for, short of a confession?" Kate wondered.

"Sometimes it's not what they say; it's what they don't say,"

"Which translate into, 'We don't have a search warrant, and this is the easiest way in'," Kate sighed.

Gibbs got out of the car, his attention drawn to a barren tree.

"What's wrong?"

"You know what kind of tree this is?" Gibbs asked.

"Botany was my weakest subject," Kate admitted.

"It's a sycamore," Gibbs said remembering Abby and Caly's forensic report.

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