"Stay awake, Todoroki."

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Struggling to stand up with my quickly numbing feet, I swallowed. "What the actual fuck?"

Now standing beside Kirishima, I cautiously walked towards the door and reached for the door handle. At an attempt to swing the door open, it was obvious that the door was frozen shut.

Groaning in frustration, I stepped away from the door, activating my quirk just enough for heat to radiate from my hands. Aware that Kirishima was watching me like a hawk; I stepped towards the door again and began to defrost the doorframe.

"We have to get them out of there," the redhead urged, biting his bottom lip.

"Them?" I said, looking at him sideways with a frown. It was way too early for this.

Kirishima nodded, holding his fists in a fighting stance. "The ice," he swallowed, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "The ice is Todoroki's."

I nodded in understanding, internally scolding myself because why didn't I think of that?

"O-Okay." I blinked, beginning to feel the strain of using my power in such cold temperatures.

Given any other time, I would have already barged into the room and scold that half 'n half bastard, but he could be seriously hurt, and so could Izuku.

The ice was starting to melt and was beginning to drop to the floor, forming a small puddle that would defiantly ruin the carpet underneath.

I smirked to myself and felt pretty bad for whoever was going to clean this up.

Finally, after a few minutes of warming up the door, Kirishima activated his quirk and shoved the door open.

Nothing could have prepared us for the gust of freezing air that hit us in the face. Struggling to keep my limbs moving, I crept further into the room and gasped when I saw two huddled bodies lying on the floor.

I fell to my knees and scrambled across the iced floor towards my friends, reaching Izuku first.

I pulled him onto my lap and felt for a pulse, cradling his head in my hands. His pulse was there, but very faint. His skin was deathly pale with his lips turning blue and his form was shaking furiously.

"It's okay, Izu," I murmured, running my hands down his arms in an attempt to help preserve his body heat. "Your injured, and probably have hypothermia." I knew that I was talking to myself, since Izuku was definitely unconscious, but I also knew that Kirishima was listening from where he stood beside me.

Looking up from Izuku, I glared around the room, struggling to see through the darkness. The place was a mess. There were scorch marks everywhere and some smoke still lingered in the air, but not enough to make me cough. At least half of Izuku's bed was burned, and his desk was scorched black.

My wandering eyes stilled when I saw another figure, and a new panic set into my heart.

"Kirishima," I said, turning to look at the boy who was standing there helplessly with wide eyes. "Take Deku to Recovery Girl. Lida and Aizawa should be here soon, so there's no reason for you to stay."

The red-haired boy blinked, and then nodded, leaning down and scooping Izuku from my lap. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise."

I nodded and didn't waste any time getting to Todoroki, the skin on my knees ripping and bleeding from sliding against the rigid ice.

I did the same to Todoroki that I did to Izuku, and put his head on my lap. It took me an alarmingly long time to find his pulse, and when I did I sighed in relief and began to examine him for any injuries.

The unconscious boy seemed to have made it out unscathed apart from a few scratches and bruises, and a possible concussion.

The most concerning thing, though, was the thick layer of ice that had attached itself to his right side, which was also beginning to crawl to his left side. This was a clear sign that Todoroki's quirk was indeed out of control, and he didn't have a proper grip on his ice side.

His ice quirk was cancelling his fire quirk, which put him at great risk of hypothermia and frostbite.

He can't be left in the cold for any longer without the risk of brain injuries or severe frostbite.

Grunting with effort, I heaved Todoroki's frame over my shoulder, and carefully made my way to the door, trying not to slip on the ice. After taking my first step, I became more alarmed at how light Todoroki was, and how his bony hips were painfully jabbing into my shoulder.

When I reached the door, I was suddenly stopped by a hand tightly grabbing my forearm, and I turned to find Aizawa standing there, unfamiliar concern painting his features.

"What happened?" he asked, taking in Todoroki's hunched and frozen form.

I huffed, fog escaping my mouth. "I don't know for sure, but when I arrived Deku's room was on fire. It was so hot I couldn't even open the door," I recounted, stepping away from the entrance to Izuku's room to let Aizawa see inside. "After a minute, everything was frozen. My best guess is that Todoroki's quirk acted up, and we both know that he would never intentionally put Deku in danger."

The teacher nodded, and stepped into the room, probably to analyse the area for any possible villain threat. You can never be too careful.

"Take Todoroki to Recovery Girl. I told Lida to tell the rest of the students to stay in their rooms unless it is absolutely necessary. I also ran into Kirishima while taking the stairs, he should be with Recovery Girl as we speak." He informed me, giving me a tired look.

I nodded and began to walk down the hall, lungs aching from the cold.

"Oh, and Bakugou," Aizawa called again, making me turn. "Get Recovery Girl to look at your knees, and tell Midoriya, Kirishima and Todoroki that you four get the next two days off to recover."

I look at him in confusion. "But sensei, Kirishima and I are fine."

He looked at me knowingly and sighed. "Your trembling, Katsuki." He then turned into Izuku's room, disappearing into the cold darkness.

I swallowed and began my journey to Recovery Girl's office, stopping in my room along the way to grab a blanket.

When I entered my room, I fast-walked to my bed and threw Todoroki over the covers, earning a pained groan in reply.

Beginning to wrap Todoroki in my blankets, I snuck a glance at his face, and realised that he was beginning to wake up.

"Don't you dare move, half 'n half." I warned, cocooning him.

Todoroki slowly opened his eyes, bloodshot and unfocused, his lips parted. "W-Where –?"

I cut off his slurring and successfully trapped him in blankets. "It's okay, you're safe. Izuku is with Recovery Girl and I'm about to take you there too," I informed him, and he hummed at the exchange, beginning to drift off again. "Stay awake, Todoroki. You can rest when we get you patched up."

I leaned down and scooped Todoroki into my arms, yet again being shocked at how weightless he was, even with the blankets.

"Jesus, you bastard," I mumbled when Todoroki tucked his head into my neck. "Once you're all patched up and functioning again, I'm gonna stuff your face with the unhealthiest food UA would allow."

The younger boy sighed, his breath cold against my skin. ". . . D-Don't . . ." he murmured weakly.

I matched his sigh and continued on my way to Recovery Girl. "I can and I will."

And as I was descending down the stairs, I only had one thought on my mind:

I'm such a hypocrite. 

This is one of my favourite chapters that I have written so far.

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