"Shut up Logan," everyone warbles without heat. Remy is furiously wiping his eyes as Emile sobs into his shoulder. Patton is completely done, his face streaked with tears. Devin and Remus are clutching each other while crying, their mascara that they totally don't wear running slightly. And Thomas? Thomas is curled into Patton's side, no body knows if he's crying or asleep or both. 

The next morning, Virgil wakes up with a crick in his neck, face buried in Roman's hair, Thomas curled around his legs like a koala bear, and Roman's arm wrapped around his waist. 

He glances around and notices that everyone abandoned the couch at some point and they had all ended up in a big pile of sleeping figures. From where he is, he can see Patton attached to Logan who is holding Patton close to him, Patton's back against Thomas's. Emile has a leg under Logan's head and is curved towards Virgil while still staying flush with Remy, who is huddled protectively around Emile. Remus has an elbow digging into Roman's shoulder while the rest of him is flung out like starfish. Devin is curled tightly around Remus's midsection, head resting right above Remus's heart.

It seems Logan got Patton and his glasses off before they fell asleep but Virgil can't see if Remy and Emile remembered to or not.

"What the-" Roman groans, shifting around and blinking his eyes open. "Oh."

"Morning sleeping beauty," Virgil snarks.

"Aw, you gonna kiss me awake?" 

Virgil laughs quietly. "You wish. Any idea how this happened?"

Roman glances around. "I think we put on Frozen, but after that..."

"We moved to the floor," Logan whispers. "Then everyone started falling asleep." 

Patton shifts in Logan's arms, murmuring , "Lo?"

"Shh, I'm here," Logan comforts, rubbing Patton's back soothingly. Patton sighs happily and curls closer to Logan. 

"Aww," Virgil and Roman say in sync, causing Logan to blush. "Got feelings Logan?" Roman asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Falsehood!" Logan furiously hisses.

"Shut up, you'll wake up Remy," Emile whispers. 

"You're up too?" 

"Shhh, not so loud Roman. But yes, I am awake."

"Is anyone else awake?" Virgil whispers.

"I'm trying not to be," Devin growls. 

"Sorry Dee."

He sighs. "It's fine, I overslept last night anyways."

"No you didn't, you got two, maybe three, hours," Remus mumbles, curling around Dee. 

Thomas suddenly jumps, knocking into Patton's back causing him to yelp in his sleep. Thomas looks around wildly, a panicked look on his face.

"Thomas?" Everyone awake sits up, watching their friend in concern. Logan helps a sleepy Patton into a seated position as Remy groans and turns over, holding onto one of Emile's hands.

Thomas' breath is shallow, eyes wide and unfocused. Quickly, they realize what's happening and Virgil and Logan go to Thomas as the rest back up, giving them room.

Logan grabs one of Thomas' hands to ground him as Virgil presses the other hand to Virgil's chest. "Thomas, breathe with me. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight." Virgil breathes with Thomas, Thomas failing multiple times until after two minutes his breath is kinda even.

"Thomas, name five things you can see," Logan says.

"Uh-Uh... Virgil... your glasses... Remy's Starbucks... um um... Prinecy's messed up hair..." 


"And Dee's hat?"

"Good, now four things you can feel."

"Carpet... um, the couch... onesie... hair."

"Now three things you can hear."

"My voice... the fan... and the coffee maker?"

"Coffee," Remy moans in his sleep.

"Two things you can smell."

"Remy's cold coffee... and vanilla."

"Vanilla?" Emile asks, confused.

"Roman's perfume," Virgil answers.

"And one thing you can taste."

"Patton's cookies," Thomas replies, finally breathing evenly.

"Good. Now, are you good fam?"

Everyone groans at that. "Logan stop," Dee complains.

"I feel better Logan, Virgil. Thank you." 

"Aww, hugs?" Patton gushes.

"Hugs," Thomas says, hugging Patton. They turn it into a group hug, Remy waking up and joining after Remus kicks him, much to Emile's glares and protests that Remy needs sleep.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Idk what you celebrate, if you celebrate, or basically anything about you people, but I love y'all platonically and I hope you have a wonderful day/night along with a great holiday season. 

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