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Seven screamed out, causing me to instinctively scream back, as she engulfed me in a hug causing everyone in the near baggage claim to stop and glare at us. I silently apologized and rushed her out to the car. We put her bags in the trunk and got in the car.
"So how was tour?" I asked as I started driving off.
"Mad tiring but fun as fuck, I'm telling you you need to come with me next time, our energy's together on stage would blow the building up!"
"Fuck yeah I'm down, when's the next tour?"
"When I release some more stuff to perform, so my next album probably"
I hummed in reply, trying to focus on driving.
"But enough bout me, what about you? With everything that happened..." her tone getting more serious.
I sighed loudly,"I'm perfectly fine Sev"
She cocked her head the side, "you sure? Your perfectly fine after that man put his whole fan base after you causing your to be in danger every time you leave the house then when he realized he was fucking wrong, posted a measly "sorry E" post like that's gonna fix everything.." she angrily chuckled, "sorry if I were you I would be far from perfectly fine"
"Trust me I'm fucking upset, I'm just not letting it effect me as much as it could..just trying to put it in the past" I turned on the radio. "So let's stop talking about him"
"Next up on 373.5 fm, best song out, look at me"

It's been 2 weeks since Devin did what he did and I can't get my brain off of it

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It's been 2 weeks since Devin did what he did and I can't get my brain off of it. I should've been more appreciative, I mean he did confess what he did was wrong and got the shit knocked out of him.
"Hello?! Mani wake up" Seven sang snapping her finger in my face.
"What?" I said mildly annoyed.
"I asked where's Laila?"
"I don't know, she said she's stayin with some guy for the week", I shrugged. I got up and went to the bathroom, took out my phone and called Devin.
It rang three times then he answered. He didn't say anything at first so I spoke up.
"Devin..I'm sorry for how I acted, you came out here to make amends for what you did and I didn't-"
"You're good Ni, I understand where you were coming from, I thought what I did was the only reason y'all split apart so I kinda got butthurt when you didn't take him back after I got my ass handed to me."
"About that, how you doin? Healing ok?"
"Yeah I'm doing alright, been stayin at a friends house.." he sighs.
"Speaking of friends do you know where Laila's at, she hasn't been home ever since our incident"
He clears his throat, "No I haven't seen or talked to her" he rushed out.
"Ok..ay.. talk to you later then?"
"Yeah" I end the call. I walk back out to the living room.
"LETS GO GET SOME DICK!!!" I jokingly scream. Seven jumps but soon laughs and claps her hands
We turn on some music and start getting ready. I put on a simple outfit, perfect for catching attention and we head out to the hottest party.

 I put on a simple outfit, perfect for catching attention and we head out to the hottest party

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