tour pt. 2.

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Spent way too long on this chapter

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Spent way too long on this chapter. It's nearly 4000 words so I hope you guys enjoy! Also thank you sooo much for 3k views and 100 votes!

⚠️Explicit content btw⚠️
I was sitting on one of the benches in the locker room, calming myself, as I had just finished dancing on stage. I reach into my locker and pull out my phone, just in time cause it started ringing in my hand. I answer it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hey Bitch!" Lai yells through the phone causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.
"Bitch why you always so loud?" We both laugh and we just talk while I get ready to leave.
"What happened between you and Ski? I never got the chance to ask, you were gone by the time I came home..." I question, grabbing my bag and making my way out of the building.
She sighs, "Ski don't want nothin to do with this baby, he wanted me to get an abortion and was saying it like I had no choice! He kicked me out, I might have to move out here into my moms house." I can hear her lowly sniffing.
"Hey, it'll be okay, once I get a apartment, why don't you move in with me and we'll raise this baby ourselves! Fuck Stokely, you don't need him" I say arriving and getting into my car.
"Yeah I know, I just wish he was somewhat supportive and I would love to move in with you" I smile.
"Good, we will start looking for a place when Jahseh gets back" I put my phone on speaker and turn on my car, driving back home.
"Is Jah moving in too?"
"No, he's not, it's just gonna be you, me and the baby"
"Does he know you're planning to move out?" She questions on.
"Yes he does and he completely agrees with me"
"Okay sis, damn" she yelled. We continued talking as I drove until my phone started buzzing. I looked at the caller ID, it was coolie.
"Hold on girl, I'm getting another call." She quickly replied with an okay and I answered Coolie's call.
"What's up Coolie?"
"Hey Emani, we're doing our last couple of shows this week..." he paused.
"I know but what about it?" I egged him to continue.
"I was calling to see if you wanted to fly out here and surprise Jah?" He questioned. I was quiet for a bit, thinking of if I had enough money to buy plane tickets. "Okay, like am I surprising him on stage or at his hotel?" I ask as I pull into the drive way to the house. I turn off the car, unbuckle my seatbelt and just sit there waiting for Coolie to reply.
"I was thinking on stage" A smile grew on my face thinking of his reaction when I come on stage.
"Where y'all at right now?"
"We are in Atlanta right now, the show'a tomorrow, i can pay for an over night flight for you."
"Okay, I'll pack my bags and get ready...thank you Coolie."
"No problem Emani" He hangs up and It goes back to Lai's number.
"Who was calling you?" She asks immediately.
"One of Jah's friends, he wants me to come out there to surprise him" I say taking it off of speaker and putting the phone between my shoulder and my ear, gathering my stuff and getting out the car.
"Aw that's cute" she gushed.
"I know but I leave tonight, so I gotta pack all my shit lock up the house and shit" I rambled in as I opened the door and walked in the house, throwing my stuff on the ground.
"Well I'll let you do that and I'll call you you boo!" She screamed into the phone.
"LoOVE YOU TOO BITCH!!" I screamed louder directly into the mic of the phone.
"OKAY BITCH! I'm not trynna go deaf, bye" she laughed as she hung up. I took a breath and started gathering and putting together outfits. I stuff clothes, makeup, and toiletries in my cute suitcases. Once I was done, I took a shower and freshened up, putting on a comfortable outfit.

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