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Double update cause last one was super short.

I grab one of my bags and start stuffing my clothes in it. He grabs my arm to stop me but I jerk it away.
"No! Like you said you fucked me and now you're gonna kick me out cause I'm nothing but another groupie or thot that you can play around with" I zip up my bag and swing it over my shoulder. As I walk towards the door he steps in front of me and blocks my way out.
"You're not fucking leaving me"
"Move Jahseh"
He just shook his head. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.
"Why won't you just let me go? Wasn't that your plan in the first place? To just kick me out!!" I get closer to him and push him but he doesn't budge. "Get the fuck out of my way Jahseh!" I push him again and he stumbles to the side just enough for me to slip by. I storm downstairs and to the front door. Before I could open the door, Ski walks in and I storm past him.
"What the fuck happened?"
"Ask your 'vro'" I turn away and walk to my car, getting in and angrily slamming my door. I drive away and end up at a park. I sit there, shaking my head as I read through the apology messages Jahseh keeps sending me.
I end up walking on a path in the park to cool myself off. As I start walking back towards my car, a group of girls walk up and forms a circle around me.
"You X's girl?"
"Uh, why do you wanna know?"
"Because we got a problem wit her"
I roll my eyes and look down at my phone "okay and.."
All of a sudden someone from behind pulls on my ponytail causing me to fall and then they all just start hitting me in my back and pulling my hair. I cover my face with my hands as I know I can't fight against 4 girls by myself.

They pull me up off the ground by my hair and start kicking me in the face. They then throw me back to the ground then hit me with a few final kicks to my chest and stomach. Everyone stopped except one girl she kept hitting me in my face.

"Neva stop before somebody call the police!" One of the girls said pulling her away from me.
"Stay away from X you thot ass bitch!" I'm guessing 'Neva' said as they hopped into a car and zoomed off.
I reach for my phone and called Jahseh as I stumble to get up.

"What mani?" He huffed into the phone, probably still mad about what happened earlier.

"Jah I need you to come get me I just got jumped"
"What?! By who?! Where you at?!" He says getting mad. I hear keys shuffling and a door opening and closing.
"I don't know by a whole bunch of girls, I was tryin to cool off from earlier so I came to the park and some girls came up saying are you X's girl," I say out of breath, clenching me stomach as a sharp pain runs through my body. I sit on a park bench waiting for him to arrive.

"Okay, I'm here where you at?"

I saw him pull up in the parking lot so I hung up and waved him down. He pulled up beside me and got out. As he got closer I could tell he was beyond pissed. He sat beside me and ran his hands through his dreads.

"Who did this?"

"I don't know Jahseh" he turned his head giving me a look of confusion.
"What do mean you don't know? People don't just jump someone for no reason!" He said raising his voice.
"Who the fuck are you raising your voice at? I'm the one who got jumped, it was probably one them hoes you be fuckin around with on the internet!" I said getting up and limping to the car.
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He said following close behind me.
I stop walking and turn to him "When they were leaving one of them said to stay away from you!" He let out a big sigh and turned around.
"I think I know who did it"
"Who?" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"My ex, Geneva"

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