take a step back.

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My breathing becomes uneven as he sits next to me. "How have you been?" I try to get up and walk away but grabs me and forcefully sits me back down. "DON'T be rude!" he says digging his nails into my thigh. Tears start to form as he slowly moves his hand up my thigh.

"Look at me," he says but I don't look at him, I can't. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "You're coming home with me" I shake my head as a tear falls down my cheek.

"It wasn't a question, I'm taking you home whether you like it or not." He says standing up and pulling me towards the door. I look at into the living room, where I see Jahseh looking directly at me. I give him a look that said 'help' before I was dragged outside. There was a commotion inside the house, everyone started yelling and screaming.

"Aye, little nigga, whatchu doin with my girl?"

We both turn around to see Jahseh and everyone at the party behind him, with thair phones out. "You talkin' to me?"

"Yeah you pussy ass nigga, now imma ask you again what are you doing with my girl?"

"yo girl? this my girl the fuck you talkin about"

"Aye I remember yo ass, I beat the brakes off you nigga," he says getting closer.

"You the one that knocked me out?" Derrick lets go of my hand and gets closer to Jah.

"yeah and I'll be happy to do it again" Derrick scoffs.

"SO, you gon try to fight me over a dirty, used hoe?" That's when X snapped. He punched Derrick in the jaw, causing him to stumble back. Derrick then removed his shirt and squared up. They started to take hits on each other but then X picked Derrick up then threw him to the ground and repeatedly punched him in his face and it didn't look like he was gonna stop anytime soon. I got through the crowd that surrounded them and tried to pull X off of Derrick before he killed him. Not that I care if he dies or not, I just don't want X to go to jail.

"X stop!" I yell in his face trying and failing to push him off. Ski comes through the crowd and picks X up off of Derrick. Derrick has blood and gashes all over his face as he laid there completely unconscious. I follow ski as he carries Jahseh to the car where Laila was waiting with the car running. Ski puts X in the back seat with me and we start to drive back to the house.

"Why were you with that fuck nigga?" He said angrily, clenching his bloodied fists.

"I-I had no choice, he wouldn't let me leave"

"Why were you about to leave with him? Did you forget EVERYTHING he has done to you?!" He said raising his voice.

"NO I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN, AND WHY. DO. YOU. EVEN. CARE!?" I yell clapping my hands together each pause

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! It scares me how much I care about you! I haven't felt ever since.." he pauses and screams 'Fuck!'. I flinch as he punches the seat in front of him. I stay quiet and look out the window as tears stream down my cheeks. The rest of the ride, the car was filled with awkward silence until we arrived at the house. I immediately got out of the car and walked into the house using the spare key Lai gave me. I stormed up the stairs to X's room and slammed the door. I took off my clothes and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt then I laid on the bed with the covers completely over my head.

My chest starts to hurt as I cry into the covers. I cough loudly as it gets harder I breath. The door to the bedroom opens and closes and I quiet myself as much as I can. He lays on the other side of the bed and drapes his arm over my body. I slightly nudge his arm to move it away but he doesn't move.
"I know your hurting, just give me a sign and I'll make the pain go away" he whispers in my ear

"How can you make the pain go away if your suffering too?"


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