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Harley Anderson

With me being unable to race due to Jack and his minions hunting us down, Enrique instructs me to make a few local deliveries. Dealing drugs has never been a thing I've thought of doing, even when I joined the gang, but I suppose that I need to do something and right now the gang is too preoccupied with preparing to take Jack down to give me a proper role to play.

So, obligingly, I shove a few bags of Cocaine and Marijuana under the car seats of the simple Volvo Enrique gave me the keys to and I drive around the Kings territory, dropping the drugs off to various people. The customers are local- and frequent according to Enrique- which is why the man who deals with the drug dealing in the gang, Sergio, can't be bothered with the small deals at the moment. He's focusing on the ones worth millions while I deal with the ones worth thousands.

It's uncomfortable pulling up to various pick-up points that were scribbled on a sheet of paper for me before I have to take a wad of cash from someone's hand and then give them a bag of poison that slowly kills them. But I do it. I push away my moral compass that's spinning as it tries to find direction. My customers include a woman with red hair and beautiful skin- too beautiful to be an addict- as well as a teenage boy who has bags under his eyes and looks like he hasn't showered in a few days. A young man my age receives a bag of coke and it's a pity that he's chosen this lifestyle because he'd be handsome if he didn't look like death warmed up. But the customer that saddens me the most is an older man who I deliver to at his front door.

His hair is charcoal grey, a few white strands here and there while his skin hangs and is scarred from years of hard work and stress. His eyes are wide, a blue I've never seen before, but are hidden behind hanging eyelids. They tell stories of pain and hardship.

"Mr Gregory?" I address him as he comes walking down the steps of his front porch to the car. He can't be older than fifty-five but still, he waddles slightly.

"That would be me." He says and I nod, sticking my hand out for the cash. He places three stacks of money on my hand and I try not to gape at it.

"Two bags." He clarifies and I nod, pulling them out of the inside of my jacket where I kept them concealed for easy access. He takes them hastily, tossing them into a flower pot nearby.

"Tell Sergio I say hello." He tells me. "And that my daughter is doing well... she'll be out of the coma in a few days they reckon but her mother is still in the mental patient's institution in Florida." I try to hide the sorrow I feel for him but I feel like I fail. He's a drug addict because he's had a hard life, and while that's no excuse, I still can't help but feel bad anyway. So I nod, offering this drug addict a smile of kindness before opening the car door.

"I wish your family the best Mr Gregory." I say and he holds my door so I can't close it, making my breath hitch in a fright.

"Are you the new dealer?" He asks, offering a smile of his own. "You seem too kind for this line of business... although it would be nice to see a friendly face every now and then."

I shake my head. "Something like that. You may be seeing more of me, I'm not sure."

Mr Gregory leans back, patting the top of my car as he closes the door shut. "Alright." He gives a little wave and I offer a nod, starting the car up and pulling off. Returning my cellphone from the passenger seat, I dial Lina's number and she picks up on the third ring.

"You done?" She says in greeting and I nod as I turn the car before remembering she can't see me.

"Yeah, I just need to put some fuel or else I'm not getting back."

"Where are you?" She asks and I give her the first street name I see. "Oh, you're close to the boundary Harley so be careful. There's a station further down the road, turn left onto Yellowwood Street, it should be on your left. I'll meet you there... I won't be long."

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