497 28 2

Cameron Dawson

I grip Harley's hand tightly as we enter the bar, ignoring the looks from the various guys looming around it. Their eyes slide over Harley, observing her tight black jeans that make her legs look long and the leather jacket that fits her snugly and covers the blue shirt she has on underneath. They basically fuck her with their eyes and I suppress a growl, not wanting to make any enemies before I get a chance to even join the damn gang but Harley doesn't seem to care as she scowls at them which earns her a wink and laughter.

I ignore it as I push the door open and step foot into the bar. The scent of alcohol is the first thing that hits me and then the air conditioning. I glance around and notice the size of it, coming to the conclusion that this place is huge for a bar. Two doors are in each corner and between them is the bar table that has velvet bar stools behind it. Men and women drink together as they sit there, laughing and talking. Most of them are tattooed and some are wearing a particular leather jacket, one which has a long green stripe going down on either arm and the face of a snake with its mouth open and fangs sticking out on the the right shoulder blade.

And I instantly know we're at the right place.

Across the room is a small stage and against the walls are couches with tables in the centre. Pool tables take up a large space next to the stage and it seems as if a group of boys- no older than fifteen- are playing a game of pool when they should really be in school, getting a damn education.

Then my eyes meet a pair of all too familiar grey ones and my posture straightens before Percy slides out of her seat and saunters up to us. I am still amazed at her height- she's nearly the same as me- and I raise a brow at the disgruntled look on her face.

"Now that you two are done analyzing the front," she says in greeting, "let's get what you really came here for over with, yeah?" She doesn't wait for a response before turning on her heel and walking to the door on the far right. I take it as our queue to follow her and so I do, Harley's hand tightening around mine.

The hallway is long and a door is visible right at the end.

"Back door." Is all Percy says when she catches me staring. We continue walking on the red plush carpet before Percy opens a door on the right and enters. The gang is then revealed to us. This room is a little emptier with a small bar in the corner and mostly chairs in the room. However, men and women, teenagers, which all have that leather jacket on are in here, talking amongst each other. The minute they notice Harley and I, the room quietens down and I wonder how big this gang is if this is only part of it when there's at least thirty people in the room. As my eyes slide over all of the unfamiliar faces in the room, I take the time to observe them. Nearly everyone is wearing that particular leather jacket I saw other's with out front. Most of the people before me have tattoos and piercings and shaved hairstyles- everything that one can expect gang members to have. There are a few who look like reasonably average citizens but it's the cynical glint in their eyes that give their real identity away.

"Persephone," someone in the crowd- a tall man with feline features and crooked teeth- asks, "who are these people?"

The attention that we are given is unwelcome and I pull Harley closer to me. Before anyone has anything to say though, the door opens and closes and in comes Jack who frowns when he notices the stiff atmosphere and the murderous look on his members gazes before he notices us and he breaks into a smile.

"I see you've all met two of our newest members."


When the crowd had started murmuring, Jack pulled Harley and I out of the room and through another door before we went down a set of stairs to his office, it seemed. From the steps, it didn't look like a lavish office would be below and yet there is.

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