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Harley Anderson

My feet stay frozen, my eyes zeroed in on the black gun beside the black boots of the girl who I still have no idea who is. I suppress a shiver as I remember what it felt like holding a gun, pulling the trigger and watching a body drop.

"Who are you?" I hear Danté ask tersely and the girl kicks her feet off of the table, standing up to her full height so that I realise that she's not too far off from Danté. It also gives me a chance to really admire her beauty. Her blonde hair goes on to shape her heart face that gives rise to prominent cheekbones and pouty lips. Her almond grey eyes are almost hypnotic if it weren't for her long eyelashes that distracted you. In her pointy nose sits a nose ring and her long manicured nails catch my attention as she trails them up and down a knife.

"I'm Percy." The girl smiles slyly before pointing to her friend with the knife that is incredibly sharp. "And this is Isaac."

The man doesn't smile like her and instead keeps his broad shoulders locked in place with his muscular arms over his chest. His chocolate skin is a contrast to his green eyes and he almost looks friendly with thin lips, soft eyes and short hair. Earrings hang from his ears that have tattoos behind them.

"And why exactly are you in my house, Percy?" Danté almost spits and she looks at us darkly.

"Because I'm here to fetch you. Both." She glances at me.

"Excuse me?" I snap harshly and she cocks her head to the side, eyes sliding up and down my appearance as she openly judges me.

"You- Harley and Cameron- are coming with us."

I ignore the fact that she knows our names and instead narrow my eyes at her.

"Why should we do that?" Danté asks, too calm for my liking.

"You do realise that we both have guns right?" The man finally speaks up, eyebrows raised high. "And neither of us will hesitate to shoot you and drag your bloody bodies if that's what we have to do."

I gulp, watching as Dante's jaw clenches and he begrudgingly nods.

"Fine. Where exactly are we going?"

"Nowhere you haven't been before."


We drive to the unknown location in an SUV that was parked around the corner from the house so that Danté and I didn't see it. The drive is filled with the man driving casually and Percy flicking a switch blade in and out on a constant loop.

Danté and I don't say anything but he does keep a grasp on my hand as I try and keep my fear at bay. What am I supposed to make of two people breaking into my house with knowledge of who Danté and I are and then dragging us to some remote location?

The thing, though, that really confuses me is that I know the route they're taking and where exactly it leads which is to the building I killed Frank in. Besides that building, there is nothing for miles and I have images of being murdered in a forest come to my mind which cause me to grip Danté's hand tighter.

My worries, however, are soon comforted when we pull up to the building. Only this time a new bunch of emotions wash over me. Fear, shame, guilt... oh, the guilt.
But the sight of men patrolling the area with guns throws me completely off guard and when Percy nods to one who seems to open one of the garage doors so that Isaac pulls up inside, I don't want to do anything except go back home.

I can't see too well out of the tinted windows but from the concerned expression on Danté's face, I know that I'm not overreacting. Percy and Isaac hop out of the cars and we follow after them. Men with guns tucked into their waistbands and intimidating figures unpacking packages of white packets while some people count them throws me off guard and when my eyes land on an older man whose aura screams dominance, authority and danger, I see that he's already watching me from where he is standing with his hands in a suit.

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