Chapter Thirty: I Can Finally Say Goodbye

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Chapter Thirty: I Can Finally Say Goodbye

We left for Nationals two weeks later. I sat on the plane between Lily and Jem. It was a hard sell to get Carmen to let him go, but in the end Stefan sold her on the deal. I had hugged him and thanked him for about twenty minutes before he had finally gotten annoyed with me. 

Jem was excited to go back. He hadn’t been to the big city in a few years now. On the plane ride over I had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he had shaken me awake as we were landing on the runway.

“Have a good nap?” he asked me with a grin. I smiled back and nodded my head. We had been getting closer for quite a while now. Though since I had told him I loved him we hadn’t mentioned a thing, and he still hadn’t kissed me.

When we were finally let out of our seats I stood up stretching. My sweatshirt lifted up with my tank top revealing a strip of tanned skin. Miss Annie had wanted us to look our best for the competition. Isabelle and Hannah had made it to Nationals as well.

Jem reached out and ran a finger along my lower back. A shiver ran up my spine and I hurried to pull my sweatshirt down. 

“I like you tan.” He said softly. I felt my face heat up but smiled anyway, “I kind of like it too.” I said happily. I squatted down and attempted to wake Lilly. She was dead to the world.

“I got her.” Stefan said appearing at my side. He lifted her up and started down the aisle carrying both his and her carry ons. I smiled over my shoulder at Jem, “Ready to go?” I asked. He nodded his head picking up his carry on as well as mine before twining his fingers with mine. We walked through the airport with the rest of our party stopping at the lobby.

“Alright, I’ll see you after your competition?” Jem said. I smiled and nodded my head. He hugged me once gently kissing the top of my head.

Then I went over and hugged Stefan and Lilly before they all piled into his car. I went with my team in the cab Miss Annie had rented to our hotel. I wasn’t supposed to have contact with anyone till after the competition tomorrow. We were to be working our butts off till then.

For the next twenty four hours I did nothing but eat, sleep, and dance, and I think in the end it really paid off. 

I was the first to perform from our studio and I was nervous. My hands were shaking. They called my name and I put on a smile. Isabelle and Hannah hugged me quickly before I stepped out on stage and danced my heart out. I danced for mom and dad, and Carmen and Peter back home. But most of all I danced for me.


 “Over all third place goes to, Hall of Fame, Victoria Mason!”

I jumped up and screamed, literally screamed in excitement. I rushed to the front of the stage and accepted my trophy, “And who choreographed that wonderful dance?” The announcer asked me, “Annie Mae Dance Company!” I said happily beaming from ear to ear.

The minute I stepped off stage I was engulfed in a group hug. Isabelle had placed second, Hannah fourth. Miss Annie was crying with joy as she hugged us. The moment we released each other I was attacked by another group of people. Lilly was the first to hit me wrapping her small arms around my waist, next was Stefan squishing Lilly between us, and then Jem.

“Mom and dad would be so proud of you.” Stefan whispered into my ear. Suddenly my face was wet, but not really in a sad way. I knew he was right, they would be proud.


“Are you ready for the best fourth of July fireworks you have ever seen?” I asked Jem as we walked down the boardwalk.

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