Chapter Twenty Four: Valentine's Day

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Chapter Twenty Four: Valentine’s Day



I ignored my two best friends and continued in the lunch line picking out my lunch.

“TORI!” Macy called, now right in my ear. I jumped a few feet in the air, nearly dropping my lunch.

“Don’t worry Mace, I didn’t need my left ear anyways.” I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes, “Did you hear?” she asked me.

“No. I can’t hear anything.” I said shooting her an annoyed look. She cracked a smile and kept talking, Lisa shrugging her shoulders in an apologetic way.

“There’s going to be a Valentine’s day dance! How exciting is that? Dresses and boys and dancing and flowers and—“

“Macy.” I said cutting her off, “Chill.”

Macy took a deep breath and then smiled, “So?”

“So what?” I asked paying for my lunch.

“Did Jem ask you?!” Macy nearly yelled. We got a few dirty looks from a couple of girls. They were probably hoping he would ask them, or where devising plans to get him to.

“No. He probably doesn’t even know about it.” I said sitting down at our end of the soccer table, “He’s home sick anyways.”

“Awww. Wittle Jemmy is home sick.” Ethan cooed sitting down beside Lisa. Every time he came near her face got red, even though they had been dating for a month now.

I threw a piece of corn at him and he chuckled. I turned to Macy, “Why does it matter if he asks anyways. Wouldn’t it be kind of obvious that we’d go together? He’s my boyfriend.” I reminded her and pointed down at his sweatshirt that I was wearing for emphases.

Ethan and Macy rolled their eyes, “He still needs to ask!” Macy said as if I was stupid. I most likely was.

“See watch.” Ethan said and turned to Lisa, “Hey Lisa, would you like to go to the dance with me?”

Her smile widened and she nodded her head flinging her arms around Ethan’s neck.

“See?” Macy said. I rolled my eyes. “Alright. I get it.”


I stepped out into the snow and pulled Jem’s sweatshirt tighter around myself, I should have put my sweatpants on before leaving the dance studio. I peered into the parking lot looking for a familiar car when I spotted Jem’s truck. I rushed over to it and climbed in, glad when the heat reached my bare legs.

“Where are your pants?” Jem’s amused voice asked.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” I shot back looking at his sick, pale face.

“I needed to get out. The house is so stuffy!” he complained, “And if you don’t wear pants,” he added pulling out, “You’ll be just like me! And then this next question won’t even matter because you’ll be too sick to go.” He pouted slightly and I let out a chuckle.

“What next question?” I asked turning the heat up.

Jem flashed his familiar smile, “Well, Ethan texted me a few hours ago and informed me about something.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was referring too, but I didn’t say anything. A part of me wanted him to ask.

“So, Victoria,” he said. I cringed.

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