Chapter Six: School pride

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Chapter Six: School pride

Homeroom had been like sitting in a zoo. English had been torture. The whole morning had been horrible. Everywhere I went people stared. They stared at me. They stared at me with Jem. They whispered behind their hands, thinking I wouldn’t notice. The closer lunch got the more nervous I got. Spanish was my last class before lunch, and Jem kept smiling at me across the room. He was being quite nice to me, considering how I had treated him. But I didn’t want to tag along with the soccer team for the rest of my school career.

So when the bell for lunch rang I walked with Jem to the cafeteria, but only because I didn’t know where it was. After I got my food I walked the opposite way as Jem and sat down at the end of an empty table. There I ate in silence. Ten minutes later two girls approached my table. The taller of the two had blonde hair, and reminded me of someone, though I couldn’t put a finger on who. The shorter one had dark hair and dark skin, on her face was a friendly smile. They stopped in front of me and the smaller one spoke up.

“You’re sitting in our seats.” She said softly.

“I’m sorry. I’ll move.” I said starting to pack up my stuff. The blonde one laughed, “Don’t. You’re Victoria, right?” she asked sitting down across from me. The other girl sat next to her. Once they had sat down a number of people followed them to the table. Most of them were on the soccer team. The last to join the table was Jem. I nodded my head, “But I go by Tori.”

“I’m Macy.” The blonde girl said, “and this is Lisa.” She finished pointing the dark haired girl. They both smiled at me.

“Nice to meet you.” I said in a soft voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a soft chuckle.

“You’ll have to forgive her,” said Jem, “she’s hard to get to talk.”

I felt my face flush red, “I am not!” I protested looking up at him, “Get lost Jem.” I said with a scowl.

The two girls laughed as he walked away. Then they leaned in close to me.

“No wonder the girls have been talking about you in the bathroom. He’s all over you!” Lisa nearly squealed. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“Well, Jem never gives a girl the time of day, except us of course,” Lisa said.

“But that’s because Liam is my brother.” Macy interrupted.

“So all the girls are jealous of you!” Lisa finished.

Liam? I think he was on the soccer time. That’s why Macy looks familiar! “Well he has to talk to me,” I said still puzzled as to why it was such a big deal, “I live with him.”

Both girls’ mouths dropped at once, “No way!” Lisa squealed. “I’m so glad we’re going to be friends!”

“Lisa,” Macy said rolling her eyes, “You act like we don’t get invited to the parties or something.”

I laughed softly. And the rest of my day was a little better. As well as the first week of school. By Friday I was almost certain that I would make it through the year. Though a few girls still talked about me in the bathroom, most had gotten over the fact that I was friends with Jem. And I was slowly learning all the names of the boys on the soccer team. Which I learned was the number one priority of this school. Soccer meant everything.

I left school on Friday in a great mood. I was going to Macy’s house this weekend for a sleepover. She and Lisa had been wonderful to me. When we all got off the bus I went straight up to my room. My homework load was never light with the classes I was in, and I wanted it done before my sleepover this weekend. I threw my bag on my bed and slipped out of my heels I had been wearing. Lilly threw her bag on her bed as well but took off before I could even ask her how her day went.

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