Chapter Nine: The Big Game

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Chapter Nine: The Big Game

There was an insistent banging on my bedroom door. “TORI!” Jem yelled through it, “If you’re coming with me you’ve got two minutes, or you can ride in the minivan!”

I rolled my eyes. Macy and Lisa had left with Liam a few minutes ago. “I’m almost ready!” I called back to him. I couldn’t find a jacket to wear anywhere. And there was no way I was going to be warm enough in just my long sleeve shirt. It was cute, a pretty blue, but it wasn’t going to cut it. Plus, I kind of wanted to be wrapped up since Aiden was going to be at the game.

There was another round of banging on my door. I stalked over to it and flung it open, “That was so not two minutes.” I accused him, crossing my arms.

“But we have to go!” He whined pouting his lip. I laughed at him, not able to stay mad.

“I can’t find a jacket!” I said throwing my arms into the air. Jem sighed and walked away. “Where are you going?” I demanded racing after him. He didn’t answer, just continued down the hall and into his room. I followed, close on his heels and nearly bumped into him when he turned back around.

“You can wear mine.” He said with a smile and handed me his soccer jacket. I took it thankfully, it would be warm, and keep me covered.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Great, now we can get going!” He said and bounded down the stairs and out to the truck.

When I climbed into the cab of the truck it was already running. My door was barley shut when Jem peeled out of the driveway and took off down the road.

“In a rush?” I asked with a soft laugh. Jem chuckled. I loved when he laughed, “Don’t wanna be late. Plus it’s the first time we’ve been allowed out of the house in almost a month!”

I laughed, “Just so we can be shut up with all the kids later tonight.”

Jem groaned, “Don’t remind me. We’re going to miss the best party.”

I rolled my eyes, “So what? We’ll put them to bed early and watch a movie or something.”


Jem pulled into the school parking lot and parked the truck, “This is where I leave you!” he said in a dramatic voice. I laughed at him. If one thing hadn’t changed it was Jem’s sense of humor, he loved being dramatic.

“Well, I wish you best of luck!” I said with a smiled.

“No good luck kiss?” he asked with a pout. I giggled and leaned close to him, “I guess, just one.” I said in a soft whisper. He closed his eyes and I smiled. Leaning in I kissed his cheek. “Good luck!” I called and jumped out of the truck. I looked back long enough to see his scowl and laughed.

I looked down the hill to the field. There was a sea of orange and black at one end, and a sea of yellow and blue at the other. I can’t remember the name of the other school. I smiled in excitement and paid at the gate before heading down to locate Macy and Lisa. I scanned the crowds, which is a hard thing for my short frame, looking for them amongst the orange and black.

I finally spotted them at the sideline holding their spot so we could be as close to the field as possible. Lisa saw me and waved me over. I smiled and weaved in and out of people to reach them. A woman groaned when I slipped in front of her.

“Are you excited?” Lisa asked nearly jumping in excitement herself. I smiled wide, “Pumped!” I answered. Macy smiled and looked at me, “I see you scored a jacket.” She said slyly. I punched her arm, “It’s only because I don’t have one of my own.”

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