Chapter Seventeen: Big Brother Blues

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Chapter Seventeen: Big Brother Blues

I climbed up onto the bus and took my normal seat next to Jem. We were the first kids to get picked up in the morning, so the bus was empty. With my headphones in I laid against Jem’s shoulder, trying not to fall back asleep. It was absolutely ridiculous that I had to go to school today.

Ethan climbed onto the bus and waved at me sitting down in his seat in front of us. He turned around so we could talk and I popped out my headphones.

“Hey Tori! Sup Jem?” Ethan greeted us. I smiled at him, “Morning Ethan!”

“Somebody’s in a rather chipper mood for a Monday morning.” He noted, narrowing his eyes at me.

“That’s because her brother comes home today.” Jem said poking my side. I squirmed away from him and nodded at Ethan.

“And I shouldn’t have to go to school at all.” I pouted and crossed my arms. Ethan and Jem chuckled.

“It’s not funny!” I protested and put my headphones back in blocking them both out.


I tapped my fingers impatiently on my desk, staring at the clock willing it to go faster. It was the last class of the day, Chemistry. It was usually my favorite, but today it was taking way too long. Lisa put her hand on top of mine, stopping my nails from clicking.

“You’re driving me insane!” she whispered under her breath. “Stop that.”

“I can’t! I’m ready to go now!”

Lisa smiled, “I know you’re excited, but really. Stop with the tapping!”

I sighed but moved my hand off of the desk, setting it in my lap instead, but my eyes were still glued to the clock. Three more minutes left. Then I could go home and see Stefan. I kept my gaze glued to the clock and watched it tick down, two minutes left.

“Okay class, finish this worksheet for homework!” Mrs. Tahla called over the growing noise of the class.

One minute left. I quickly shoved everything into my bag and swung it onto my shoulder. I stood up with thirty seconds to spare, “See you tomorrow Lisa!” I called as I hurried out of the classroom and through the halls. I was the first person on the afternoon bus. Agitated and excited at the same time I plopped down in one of the seats towards the back. This would be a horrible bus ride. Not only were we first on, but we were last off.

Jem slid into the seat next to me. He kissed my cheek, “How was the rest of your day?” he asked with a smile.

“Long!” I complained. Jem laughed, “We’ll be home soon, calm down!” he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Calm down?! Jem, I haven’t seen Stefan in almost an entire year!”

“And you only have to wait another thirty minutes.” Jem said and kissed my forehead, “You’ll make it.”

“I don’t think I will.” I said with a frown.

Thirty minutes later the bus finally stopped in front of our house. I smiled wide and sped off the bus, Lilly trailing behind me in a hurry as well. My heart sunk a little when I saw Peter was already home. That meant Stefan was already there.

Not bothering to hesitate any longer I threw open the front door and dropped my bag at the foot of the stairs. I tore through the house stopping only briefly to look in the living room for signs of my brother. He wasn’t in there so I moved on to the kitchen. I pushed open the swinging door and stopped in the door way. He was sitting at the table, his back to me. His light brown hair was the perfect shade between mine and Lilly’s and I knew when I looked at his face I’d see dad’s crystal clear blue eyes perfectly replicated. Lilly pushed in next to me. I looked down at her and smiled softly.

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