Chapter Ten: Scary Movies and A Sleepover

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Chapter Ten: Scary Movies and A Sleepover

Carmen and Peter met Jem and I in front of the school. They both looked over joyed, though there was something in Carmen’s face that suggested otherwise. Peter slapped Jem on the back while Carmen hugged him tight. Once they had finished talking Peter said they’d see us at home and went to get the other kids. Jem started towards the truck, but Carmen trailed behind with me.

“Can I ask you something?” Carmen said softly.

I turned to look at her and nodded my head, “Sure.”

“Do you like James?” She asked and bit her lip afterwards.

I started; surprised by her question, then thought, well of course they saw us. They were in the stands. I wanted to slap myself for being so stupid. “Yes.” I finally answered not looking at her.

“Promise me you’ll be responsible.” Carmen said. I could sense she was a little uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry, I promise with my whole heart.” I said quickly. Carmen sighed in relief and smiled, “Good. See you at home dear.” And she walked away. I shook my head and went to get in the truck. I opened the passenger side door and was surprised when I saw a small blonde head sitting there. Lilly smiled wide at me, “I’m riding home with you, Tori!” she said happily.

I smiled at her, “Well swing your legs up kid, I get the middle.” I said before climbing in over her and settling in the middle. Jem smirked at me and started the truck as Lilly slammed the door closed.

Once we were on the road Jem reached over and switched the radio on. Even with the music playing Lilly continued to talk a mile a minute. She was reliving every moment of the game. She had never sat and watched anything like that before and was overly excited. Jem chuckled from time to time. I guess he must be used to rambling. I know I can only take Lilly’s.

We were halfway home when Jem reached down and twined his fingers with mine. Lilly watched with wide eyes and squealed with delight as she saw it. “Peter said I should watch you two!” she said excitedly. “This is so sweet!” she continued. This time I chuckled and wrapped my free arm around her pulling her over for a hug.

“Have I ever told you how much you ramble?” I asked her. That was how I told her I was tired of listening. Lilly giggled and snuggled into me. “A time or two.” She admitted and let out a yawn.

“It must be past your bed time.” Jem commented pulling into the driveway.

Lilly sat bolt upright, “I am six years old. I don’t have a bed time.” She declared angrily.

I chuckled softly with Jem. “You don’t?” he asked turning the truck off. Lilly shook her head and crossed her arms, “Not on Fridays.”

Jem roared at that, “Now there’s an excuse I haven’t heard.” He said and swung his door open. “Come on Lilly, to bed you go!”

Lilly scowled as Jem came around the other side of the truck and scooped her out. He carried her into the house. I slid out of the truck to hear her laughter as Jem kicked the door open. I went into the house and sighed, not sure if I was content or annoyed. Fiona was in the living room, TV blaring. Carmen was in the kitchen yelling at Jem for kicking in the door. I could hear Benjamin’s playstation upstairs. Kelly and Jasmine were at Jem’s feet, demanding they get a turn on his back like Lilly. And I stood in the door, dreading the weekend ahead taking care of the three little ones. Carmen and Peter were taking Benjamin to the football championship in Pittsburgh. They would be staying overnight. Fiona was leaving to visit her boyfriend, Carson. That left me and Jem with Lilly, Jasmine, and Kelly. On Halloween no less.

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