Chapter One: Chicken Noodle Soup and Living Nightmares

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Chapter One: Chicken Noodle Soup and Living Nightmares

The buzzer in the kitchen went off, announcing that the soup was done. I sighed and stood up from my warm spot on the couch. Pausing my TV show I made my way into the kitchen and turned the timer off. Pulling the lid off the pot on the stove I inhaled deeply. Mmmm, chicken noodle soup. My very favorite. I pulled a spoon out of the holder on the counter and grabbed a bowl from the dishwasher. I filled the bowl up and grabbed the glass of orange juice sitting on the kitchen table. Balancing the two liquids carefully I started down the hall.

“Lilly-pop!” I called as I made my way to my little sister’s room. Everything in her room is either pink or white and covered in glitter. “Soup’s ready!” I gently pushed the door open with my foot and gave a sad smile when I caught sight of my sister. She was sickly pale, her cheeks only colored from the fever. I moved over to her bed and set the soup and juice on her bedside table.

“Hey Lilly,” I said softly gently waking her, “Mom and Dad just left, you gotta eat something, then maybe we can watch a movie, I’ll paint your nails.” I said happily and smiled when she peeled her eyes open. Her voice was hoarse when she answered me back, “That sounds fun.” She said softly and sat up in her bed.

She took the soup off her table and sipped some of it, “Yum, did you make this, or did mommy?” she asked. I let out a soft chuckle, “Mommy did, doubting I can cook that good?” I asked and poked her nose. She smiled weakly and shook her head, “No.” she said before taking another sip. I smiled at her sadly, I still felt bad that she had to cancel her birthday party last week. Lillian had just turned six and she’s been sick since her birthday.

Lilly giggled softly and reached for her juice, she took a sip before talking again, “Can we watch Tangled when I’m done?” she asked me. I put a finger to my chin and thought for a moment, “I suppose,” I answered, “but you have to finish all of that soup.” I said sternly before getting up. “I know I’m cool, but I still gotta be a boss.” I said playfully trying hard not to crack a smile.

“Tori!” she said and giggled, “You’re never a boss to me!” she said and smiled. I let out my laughter and turned to leave, “I’ll be waiting in the living room!” I called over my shoulder.

“Put on your jammies!” she called back out to me. I laughed again and headed farther down the hall. I passed by Stefan’s unused bedroom and opened the door to mine. My room is perfect for me. It’s huge, with an enormous walk in closet, which is my favorite part I might add. The walls are white, decorated with black patterns and some of my favorite quotes. Most of my décor is black and white; I love the look of it. I walk past my queen size bed and pull open my closet doors.

I walk into my closet and to the back where my dresser is. I pull out my favorite lounge pants, pink plaid, and a white camisole. I change quickly out of my clothes and throw them into my hamper. I turn around in search of my favorite Ugg boots, off-white knitted and perfect for wearing around the house. I spot them on one of the higher shelves. “Aha! There they are!” I say to know one in particular. I reach up, my stomach exposed form my short camisole and grab them.

I hear a soft giggle and spin around to see Lilly carrying Rocky her yorkie. She’s got on her favorite pink nighty and boots to match mine. “Do you always talk to yourself, Tori?” she asked happily. I sat down on the white ottoman and slipped my boots on. “Yes.”I declared proudly and stood up. I walked out to my room and grabbed my bag of nail polish, “Ready for girl’s night?” I asked her. Lilly giggled again and nodded her head.

An hour and a half later we were halfway through a movie with two bags of popcorn propped between us. I had painted Lilly’s nails sparkly pink and she had painted mine white with glitter. Our toes sparkled in the light from the TV screen as we laughed together at the movie. As Rapunzel sang yet another song Lilly turned to me, “Tori?” she asked quietly.

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