Chapter Twenty Seven: Dancing and Dates

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Dancing and Dates

“Aren’t you super excited?!” Demi asked us as we stretched in the studio, “We compete this weekend!” she said happily. 

I offered a half smile and continued my stretches.

“Come on Tori!” Demi whined, “Be excited! You get to do your solo this weekend!” she said and patted my arm.

I gave a more acceptable smile, “Hooray!” I said in my dead voice. Jem hadn’t talked to me since that night at the party. But perhaps it was my fault. He had been there with that whore that night. And I had been starting to believe his story. It didn’t matter anyway. I didn’t feel the pain anymore. I had tucked it away in the same part of my mind that I had tucked away the pain from my parents. I only had to hold on for a few more weeks then I would be out of this small town forever.

“She’s not excited.” Demi whispered to Isabelle on her other side. Isabelle rolled her eyes, “She’s probably nervous that she’ll mess up.” She said shooting me an evil grin. 

I just smiled back at her and kept stretching. Miss Annie walked in with a large smile on her face, “This is the weekend girls!” she cheered happily, “It’s so exciting that states is going to be at our school!” she squealed. I stood up with the rest of the girls. However where they were chatting happily, I remained quiet.

“Okay, we’re going to run dances all week, fix all of our mistakes! These dances will be perfect!” she said happily and told us to get in our places. 

Dance classes went until ten o’clock that whole week. Except for Friday. Miss Annie had sent us home early to rest. We had to be in the dressing room at the school at eight the next morning. I walked into the house Friday night completely exhausted.

Carmen smiled at me and placed dinner in front of me at the kitchen table, I didn’t eat much.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” she asked me sitting down across from me. I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite, “I guess.” I mumbled through my food. 

Carmen smiled again, “The whole family is going!” she said happily, “And I’m recording you so Stefan can see it! He says he’s sorry he can’t make it out to see you.”

I offered a small smile and went up to bed, “Good night.” I called to Carmen and fell on top of my covers, still in my dance clothes. I feel asleep almost instantly.

The next morning my alarm went off at five. It was too early. I groaned and got out of bed and stumbled into the shower. I stood under the hot water for a long time trying to wake myself up. When the hot water ran out I got out into the cold and dressed in my dance company sweats. 

Back in my room I packed all of the things I would need, my costumes, my shoes, my makeup, my hair curler, and other odds and ends. I grabbed my three bags and hauled them downstairs as quietly as possible. 

I dropped them at the front door and went into the kitchen in search of an apple it was now seven thirty. Jem was sitting at the kitchen table; he looked as if he hadn’t slept in a few days. 

“Hey.” I said softly and plucked an apple off of the counter.

“I’m your ride this morning.” He said dully.

“I thought Carmen was bringing me?” I said to my apple not wanting to meet his eyes.

“Mom was up with Kevin all night. She wants to go later so I told her to sleep now. You ready?” he stood up before I answered and headed out to his truck. He had picked up my bags on his way out the door. I followed him and climbed into the cab. He had placed my bags between us. The ride to the school was silent. I said goodbye as I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my bags.

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