Victor nodded his head as he laughed, "Your Highness, I'm rather impressed. I've known from the beginning that you were different, there was always something about you that made it felt like you were searching me for clues. Alright then, since it seems like you trust me enough to talk about my identity truthfully rather then telling your brother, it means that you trust my actions too. Since this is the case, I will tell you the truth. I am not Andy Jules, I am not a soldier sent to watch over you or Prince Nile. But that doesn't mean that I wish you harm."

Victor stood up before Will, his right hand on top of his heart as he slightly bowed towards Will. "My name is Victor Sky, the eldest prince of A Nation, the alpha son of King Allen and King Consort Rain. It is a honor to finally meet you as my real identity, Prince Will." Victor finished his greeting as he stood up once again and blinked his eyes while looking at Will.

Will stood up from the chair, facing Victor's greeting unnerved. "My name is Will Rezul, the second prince of Y Nation, alpha son of King Erne and Queen Talin. Your identity is even more remarkable that I had thought, so why did you decide to come and accept a dangerous mission like this, entering Y Nation's castle." He bowed before standing up again, pointing to the chair across from him, telling Victor to sit in it.

Victor nodded as he accepted the chair, sitting across from Will, he began speaking once more. "Well, news should have reached you. King Erne has began an attack on A Nation. As the eldest prince, there was something I had to do beforehand. Y Nation does not know of my appearance yet, so I decided to sneak into the castle as a guard. My goal is to help your brother rise to throne, and save your citizens from your father's foolishness."

"You want to help Nile become king...then you should know that it will be harder than saying words. Although Nile has supporters, Consort Esme has many connections with the other nobles, and my father is too infatuated with Consort Esme to do anything. Consort Lani does not get involved with political affairs and his daughter is a general who also has her own powers. If you want to help my brother become king, that means that you already have a way to win the nobles to our side." Will's eyes seemed to darken as he spoke. He was clearly only 10, but he was too mature.

"I do. Consort Lani does not care for the political world, but his daughter cares very much for his safety. She is hard-headed, but very powerful and daring. If she is on our side, she will be able to help with gaining the support of the military aid. We should also work on getting the citizen's support because as of now, the citizens are in an uproar. The nobles wouldn't be hard to convince."

"Since King Erne has done a stupid move of calling war upon A Nation, then I am sure that most of the nobles have begun become to scared to support him. Although Consort Esme has connections, she was a normal girl only, and she won't be able to understand that even though it seems like she has power in her hand, it only comes from King Erne." Victor stopped for a second, watching the years turn within Will's head. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"If you are the eldest prince of A Nation, who is your partner?" Will's voice got more confused as he asked this.

Victor couldn't help it was a warm feeling blossomed inside his as he smiled, his eyes shining with love as he muttered, "My partner is the one and only, General Mark Stephens."

Will's eyes widened slightly as he heard this name. General Mark Stephens, who hadn't heard of that name?

Mark stiffened slightly as he stood outside the door, waiting for Nile to finish his meeting with the Duke's son. It had been two days since he saw Victor, and he was missing him. He missed his beautiful smile, the carefree glimmer within his eyes, his voice that held only joy within it. Victor was special, he was a one and only in this world. Although he was so carefree, so easy to get along with, he had a stormy side to him that made him even more likable. It was clear that he wasn't harsh with everything, but he also had a tough side to him. That was what made Mark love him even more.

With one hand covering his pulsating heart, he couldn't help the warm smile that appeared on his cold face, like the feeling of sunshine in the harsh winter. Honestly, as he spent more and more tome with Victor, it felt like he was changing. Like his frozen heart was slowly thawing and melting. It wasn't bad, and Mark did like it. There was something about Victor that felt familiar, a feeling of home, like he had known this feeling too many times. And although he couldn't put it into words, everything felt right when he was by Victor's side and that was what he loved.

It wasn't easy to say, feelings sometimes aren't easy to put into words. But, the image of Victor always interlaced with a different image. Although he didn't know what or who it was, his heart seemed use to it.

The feeling of Victor, the way it made him so comfortable beside Victor, it felt normal. Imagining a life with Victor, it was something he had done before, and it did feel nice.

If he could be with Victor, how great would everything be?

[Male lead's love percentage is at 65%.]

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