Chapter 1: The Accident...

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There is a chapter index for this I had to post separately due to the chapter limit if you want to just follow one character's story line.

First off, how could I not commemorate a Friday the 13th in October by not posting something? I shall be spending the day with my black cat Lucky!

Okay, so I lied. I couldn't help it, in having to go back and redo the first few books the compulsion to write this while it was still on my mind overwhelmed me. However, as you'll see below, this is quite a different style than Life that Never Lived. Chapters will be relatively short in comparison, and so will go up twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. Hope you enjoy!

It is recommended, though by no means a must if you know the Marauder's history enough to be reading fanfiction about them, you read We Were first. The first five chapters are slightly AU to the continuity of this fic, but the grand point and especially the fifth chapter are key to the beginning of this fic as you get plopped in the middle. You can find it in my profile.

Before you get started; Warnings include- Explicit Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius), and on the whole a rather flimsy premise that I honestly created to indulge myself because I didn't let myself do it the first time. A lot less logically based and a lot more I just felt like having fun with this one. It's not to say I'll let this degenerate into tropes and one note things, but there's going to be even less reading of the books involved, as in literally they're just interacting around the story with only passing mentions of what's going on in there. I'm not denying here I took a lot more liberties and fell into a lot more 'standards' of this type of fic than my first time around...ironic now that I think of it. If you want a much more grounded basis and more 'realistic' approach to a reading series, I put my heart and every cell of my mind into The Life that Never Lived on my profile and those books. I'm pretty sure this one grew from my funny bone that I broke when I was seven.

Random side note insert; I actually for a time considered doing one of those, reading a book that's read the books. You know, they'd essentially be reading The Life That Never Lived. I ultimately derailed from that because of a few non canon decisions I made for this fic, and because the idea's kind of goofy in general, as well as conceded. There doesn't need to be fan fiction about my fanfiction thank you. (This is all your fault Inspired Girl, you succeeded in giving me an ego.) Instead I was inspired to try another way, in Queen of Creating's style, in that you only get some over all commentary of the whole chapter. Hope you enjoy!


The dungeons where Potions were held had always felt like the most oblique part of the castle, and Sirius had been in every corner of it to claim as such. It wasn't entirely the fault of the dark stone walls, swelting hot air from the many flames, or the often unexplained fumes. The feeling seemed to seep up straight from the cold stone floor no matter how many fires were lit, as if the wooden stool itself were trying to pin them all with the unknown.

Sirius had never been more grateful for a Potions class to be over, and that was really saying something. It was the last one of this bleeding school semester, and if he had to spend one more day glaring at a cauldron and somehow inexplicably turning it the wrong color one more time without the usual helpful hint from Peter telling him why, he was going to chuck every last drop of it in Slughorn's face for constantly telling him he'd figure it out!

He'd never packed up his bag faster, even managing to multitask by muttering under his breath how stupid all this was. He was the first person to make it to the door, but collided with someone even less pleasant to see than the three people he'd most been avoiding lately. He cursed loudly, earning several dirty looks as the rest of the class was now passing. His bag had ripped upon stumbling into his little brother and smashed to the ground, sending his things flying and managing to spray him with ink.

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