Chapter 198: King's Cross

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The quiet. The dead air. The internal discombobulation of somehow, knowing without knowing why, you were alone in the world. It felt, natural here.

The eight of them sat up slowly on the pristine, concrete platform. There was no train on the tracks, its mighty presence and lack of smoke made everything feel bigger. Not a scrap of trash, not a single pellet from an animal, a white light ringed the edge of everything their eyes landed on, the benches, every brick, the tunnel connecting to the wider world, including each other, as if they'd blur out of focus any second because...they shouldn't be here.

In every place they'd ever been thrown to in this leap of magic, the homes they did not belong in, the various death-inlaid skeletons embedded to environments they would not voluntarily go back to, none had ever felt as unwelcoming as this one.

The golden book was in Frank's hand, the vibrant magic pulsing from it trembling in his grasp as if it would spontaneously erupt from being the source of tying them to a place they had no right to see yet.

They were not afraid though, as he took his girlfriend's hand and they all clustered together out of habit now when he read King's Cross. Voldemort's meddling had sent him here prematurely of his time, this crossroads he was now barred from as Harry and...Dumbledore discussed what the Boy Who Lived had been dragged across.

Horcruxes were a magic like any other, dark in nature, but a traceable source to their power. A place like this was beyond the limit of their mind to grasp. This even more than usual all knowing Dumbledore who guided Harry through the last leg of his prophetic journey that mocked prophecies. It answered most of their questions, but raised a few more they were never going to get, and wasn't that just the story of their life by this point?


Man am I sorry for these short chapters, I thought I'd have a lot more to say at the end of this fic but I'm just...?!

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