Chapter 7: Platform Nine and Three Quarters

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Sirius didn't like being touched, unless it was his idea. That's probably what had taken him so long to figure it out.

The first girl he'd been with had been a disaster on both parts, so it hadn't been immediately obvious either. The two had fondled a bit, messed around a bit more, but when the act came to, neither had walked away remotely satisfied. He'd been thirteen though, and he'd had no one who could relate yet, so he'd consoled himself the first time wasn't all bliss and sparks.

The next time he'd had much more practice, and had been with her for quite some time. She'd been a bloody good kisser, which he'd thoroughly enjoyed, but never seemed to know where to put his hands. She certainly had, she'd been impatient and rough with him, but his pleasure never did seem to match hers, as was made abundantly evident when the time had come and he'd been left as frustrated as when he'd started. He thought then it just wasn't the right person or some nonsense.

By his third time he'd been at his wits end. She'd been patient and understanding, he'd certainly enjoyed himself with her the most, yet still his satisfaction seemed beyond him and he was about to reduce himself to a life of celibacy as he found it hard just to make himself hard most days, he couldn't figure out what he'd been doing wrong.

Considering for most of the population it was as wrong as being a mudblood, he looked back without much surprise the idea hadn't even occurred to him for so long, he'd certainly never been exposed to it like some frolicky 'normal' couples were told off for doing. Then he'd walked in on them.

The embarrassment had been heavy on both parts, but the idea had never left his mind. So finally he'd worked up the nerve to proposition. The bloke had found the whole situation hilarious apparently, Sirius' status withstanding he could almost grasp why, but the man had been extremely blase about the whole thing. It was his first time, and he let Sirius top because the guy had thought Sirius would be more comfortable with that. He hadn't been. Surprisingly though, it was still the most curious he'd felt himself become, so he was the one to ask for the switch.


Nothing life altering, earth shattering had particularly come of it, except Sirius' confident and bravado nature. Now he was a worse flirt than ever, and he was just having fun with it. Girls still tried to hook up with him, and he still occasionally played along as far as the kissing went as he did still enjoy that part, but now when he really needed to get off he'd finally figured out what it was his body was telling him would do that.

He hadn't told his friends because, well because he hadn't found it that important to tell them. He'd shared when he'd gotten his first kiss, but not his first time. He'd told when he'd actually thought he'd been in love with his third girlfriend, but hadn't brought up the fact they'd broken up until months after it ended because he just hadn't a care it had. This fell into the later he supposed.

It helped that he didn't feel different. He still loved to make alluding comments and see the vivid reactions, especially from Remus. When he did to James and Peter, they just told him to bugger off, but with everything the Marauders did, Moony had played along. He'd been coy, and just as flippant right back to Sirius, the two often sharing private smiles the more often it started to occur after Sirius' second first time.

Then it happened. It had been as gradual as it was abrupt, the two colliding with each other in a way he'd certainly never have expected but never would have taken the chance to turn down.

They'd brushed skin for the seventh time that day, and by the fifth it hadn't felt accidental anymore. It was the day of the full moon. It was the day, as blunt natured as ever, Sirius had outright asked him if he'd like to give it a shot.

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