Chapter 63: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Any landing that allowed her to be splayed out would be considered a win after their last painfully forced entrapment, Alice knew, but considered taking that statement back almost at once as she sat up and looked around. It was a hard decision, but she almost wished for the fireplace back rather than finding herself in such a posh office. The place immiedtly gave her the creeps.

Barron and unloved were the first words to come to mind, and yet she recognized this place as someone's work area, surely there should be more personal touches? The wooden desk was black and so highly polished it looked metal, there were no photographs in sight, or even paperwork left out. Only one work cabinet seemed to suffice the needs, an ordinary quill sat waiting in a full ink pot. Even the chair looked buffed, as if the idea of showing its wear would have it cast from the room in the same second. A simple nameplate stated this as Barty Crouch Head of Department of International Magical Cooperation. She found the book waiting in the center of his desk, as if it too feared being a millimeter out of place.

Even their arrival hadn't done much to disturb the place, as there wasn't much to disturb. The large office left little for them to look through and nothing for them to examine. Frank cleared his throat awkwardly as the silence dragged on, and she flushed rather than glance his way as she scooped the book up and began.

She had not a clue what Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was, but it apparently garnered some excitement from the visible Marauders', she definitely heard them laughing. She wasn't really paying them much mind, nor was she giving much thought to what she was reading as Harry finally met the entire Weasley family. She'd seen Frank out of the corner of her eye edging around the desk and standing awkwardly at her side.

It's not like she'd been intentionally avoiding him, but she hadn't gone out of her way to talk to him again since their little spat at the lake's edge. She still couldn't believe all the things he'd said about someone he barely knew, but hadn't been able to argue much when those contagious jaws had been inches from her own throat. If Black and Potter hadn't been there, they'd all be dead because of him. If Pettigrew hadn't managed to get the book to them in the madness, they'd be dead even faster. She wanted to be more grateful, but shamefully there was still more fear and uncertainty than anything as she looked at each of them.

How could she be mad at Frank for saying the same things? At least she was trying to repress the thoughts and see them for the people they were, but that was all the harder when they went around trying to pretend like this was normal again, while their friend was clearly suffering.

She was so distracted by her own thoughts she nearly read right past the explanation of said chapter title, it was a joke shop created by the Weasley twins. Sympathy washed over her as she then heard how disapproving of it their own mother was, and let her eyes flicker up to meet Frank's.

He smiled hesitantly at her as he whispered, "I can imagine their shoes." Her smile grew, yet still restrained as she remembered being so happy he was finally starting to share details of his life outside of school with her. Now she wondered at his automatic reaction again, and what a bad influence his mother seemed to be compared to her own parents who always tried to keep her smiling.

The rest of the chapter went by in much the same fashion, it was admittedly very interesting hearing about someone's family through yet another outsider she'd never met. She wished they'd landed in that garden feast Mrs. Weasley had created, as her stomach began to rumble. The three friends kept getting visibly more excited as talk of the Quidditch World Cup became unavoidable, and Alice even would have liked to join in on that one, but she couldn't shake everything else this room contained.

Regulus Black was still bouncing on his toes and pacing in frustration, unable to look at anything without scowling. The poor lad had been through too much in such a short amount of time, and something needed to happen there. Lily was braiding her hair with a far away look in her eyes. Even in the short time she'd really gotten to know her, it was obvious she was thinking hard about nothing present.

Through all of it though, Frank started whispering in her ear with a smile. About this and that, how he'd love to hear more about this Crouch man they must be in the office of, he hoped the twins didn't let their mother deter their own hopes. At last Frank gave her a genuine smile, and she reached the end and took his hand in hers once more. Alice may have realized she didn't like everything about Frank, but she wasn't going to deny she was still falling in love with him.

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