Chapter 168: Fallen Warrior

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Sirius didn't even wait for the spinning to stop, nor take in the mostly yellow room and multiple beds with badgers on them as he turned and was still shouting loud enough to break decibels, "Moony! Moony, I'm getting one, and you are going to try it!"

"Yes, because the first thing I wanted to hear after all that was you trying to crash into a garden with Voldemort on your ass next," Remus sighed, but there was a look of defeat already in place as he sat up from the headboard in his face.

"It's going to be brilliant!" Sirius kept rhapsodizing like he had all agreement as he got up from the middle of the floor as grandly as possible. "Think we can kick the others out into the common room, bet I can transfigure one of those beds into a bike-"

A pillow whacked him in the side of the head, he didn't know who from, but he shut his trap and immediately saw Remus looked mortified now. "Sorry! Sorry!" He truly meant it, even if he'd forgotten for a moment because James wasn't on his back anymore but he was now painfully aware of the dancing images in his head just looking at Remus. "I'm trying, honestly!"

"Just because they know now doesn't mean you can say shit like that Sirius, it's the limit," Remus insisted anyways as he rubbed at his cheeks like that would hide the color. Sirius nodded like a bobble head and mimed locking his mouth with a key, even crossing his hands behind his back.

James fell off the bed laughing at the display even as he affirmed, "keep it in your pants Pads!"

"And to answer, no we won't," Alice told him firmly, even if they could have gone back into the common room where she would have liked to, but Regulus had quickly tried the door as his brother's mouth kept going and it still wouldn't open. Lily had summoned the book to her and was very obviously ruffling the pages on another bed.

"Oh like you haven't wanted to do the same thing a dozen times," Sirius accused as he sat on the floor to try and indicate no further involvement on his part.

"Bloody saints, the both of them," James sided with Sirius on that one, crawling back up on the bed so they could see his eye roll. "Bet they haven't so much as fantasized about slipping off during this."

"That's all you know," Alice told him with a very uncharacteristic flush as she sat beside Frank at the foot of Lily's bed.

Frank went very still, as if he hoped when he stopped breathing nobody would look twice at him.

Lily just watched for a few moments before turning back to the book with a muttered, "I don't want to know."

"I want to know-" Sirius tried to correct, before Remus popped him on the back of the head.

Sirius pouted and tipped his head all the way back to frown up at him, dangling his hair to the ground almost, exposing the hickey once more for all to see. "You never said their love life was off limits," he huffed as Remus sat beside him still bright red but looking mildly less like he was going to strangle him now.

"Like I'm ever going to pass up a chance to scold you," Remus rolled his eyes. "Relax Padfoot, not like it's a deal breaker, I knew what I was getting into with you. Just, you know, make a filter in your head. Even a tiny, pathetic, little one for the existence of the common room for my sanity, please?"

James was now hanging off the bed upside down and watching in further amusement as Sirius looked deeply contemplative like he was really trying to put one up right now. Padfoot opened his mouth-

"Yes, that includes the dorms," Remus said without looking away from the book. "James and Peter don't want to hear that either."

"Seconded," James promised even if he was still suppressing laughter for the display. He wished they'd told him from the beginning, this was hysterical to watch Sirius actually try to keep a lid on anything!

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