Chapter 173: Kreacher's Tale

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If you have not been following the off screen adventures of Moon and Stars, only The Ghoul in Pajamas and The Seer Overheard (in that order, the first uncomfortably raunchy, the second a full blown lemon) is directly referenced below, but it's mild enough you still don't have to read those if you have no desire to, yet they are relevant to the conversation they have here.

Gentle trigger warning for Regulus in here by the way. It's never anything explicit in fic, but I do imagine these two grew up in a household that's as borderline if not more so abusive than the Dursleys and Regulus reflects on quite a lot that can be unpleasant to read if you're not in the right way emotionally at this time. Please be kind to yourself.


Sirius startled out of his chairs hardest of all, smacking his head on the table and falling to the floor to see Regulus nearly hyperventilating as he rubbed at his ears for all the spontaneous loud noise. Prongs and Moony leapt to their feet and almost raced each other up to the old drawing room, but he stayed frozen in place, torn in two.

If that locket was in there, he couldn't let Prongs out of his sight! He couldn't just ignore Regulus anymore when it wasn't a convenient time, it would ruin whatever little progress he'd made! Longbottom and Alice had gone after his mates, but Evans had hesitated as well seeing Regulus like this. Peter was doing what he did best, just sitting patiently quiet and still as the kid got his bearings, he well knew Frank and Alice were formidable and could get out of their own scraps, his mates would be fine. He hovered useless now, one foot on the stairs and looking longingly back and forth.

"I'm fine," Regulus still had his eyes closed, he was rubbing at his temples and looking extremely off color, but his voice was steady.

Lily opened her mouth tentatively, but Sirius charged up the stairs with fury in his heart and turned not to finish going up the rest of the house, but into the portraits gallery where Walburga Black's voice was now shouting louder than ever every awful thing he'd ever heard in his life and then some. He silently cast Silencio at first his useless mother, then every other Black decoration. Her hands still clawed in fury inside her painting at the sight of him, he was biting his tongue in frustration to stop himself shouting back at the old bitch. That charm wasn't going to last long, but hopefully just long enough to get them out of this miserable house!

He heard something break upstairs and went wearily towards the first flight.

Regulus was not fine. His head was pounding like every argument he'd ever avoided in his home was coming back now and folding into the one spot right at the center of his forehead.

He was such an idiot-

How had he never noticed-

No wonder Sirius hated him-

Maybe Peter was lying-

But he had no reason to-

Why not him-

Those looks of pity Sirius so often gave him-

It was so obvious now-

It's no wonder he hates you-

Merlin he was such an idiot!

He slammed the back of his head against the cupboard but the pain did not recenter.

"Regulus?" Lily's kind voice echoed from a long ways off, he felt more than saw distantly as Peter shifted his weight and made a noise of distress. He'd seen the look on Lily Evans's face as she'd been forced to see time and time again what a loathsome person Severus was in this future, watched Peter be confronted with the worst of himself like a repeated slap in the face that his friends had only made worse by not refuting the possibility.

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