Chapter 111: In the Hog's Head

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After I'm done with the fifth book I'm going to take a little break and post a prequal fic of the Marauders years at Hogwarts entitled We Were. It'll only be seven chapters, one year for each, and then I'll get on to HBP. 

 Wheather readers want it to be Wolfstar or purely cannon couples though, I'll make a poll on my fanfiction profile and let you decide, or you can message me any way you like in general to let me know.


The high pitched yowl of pain shook everyone out of their coughing and definitely drowned out the other general crashes as they all looked desperately around for the danger.

It was the Hog's Head, they all instantly recognized, even Regulus had popped in here on his second Hogsmeade trip thanks to a dare from a dormmate. The dare had been to order and drink a firewhiskey, but the bartender had shooed him away. He wondered if it was the exact same bottle he'd been eyeing at the time that had crashed down on Alice Smith's head upon her landing behind the register and now had her bleeding profusely from the crown of her short, dark hair.

The others had landed throughout the establishment in other, arguably safer spots on tables and chairs, Lupin right into a barstool, Regulus directly onto the bar, spilling more drinks right on top of him, though at least the glass tumblers didn't add to the mess, instead it just made the floor slippery as Longbottom and Evans did a fast headcount and tried darting around behind to the scene.

Lupin had been closer though, so he'd gotten there first and was already crouching in front of her drawing his wand with a kind smile she likely couldn't see due to the mixture of blood and alcohol already dribbling into her eyes, and her whimpers of pain and surprise keeping his voice a likely mystery. She reached up automatically to rub at her eyes, and then higher to where the pain was coming from, and he grabbed her wrists in one hand and pulled them towards him, out of the way to perform the spell.

Regulus cringed in regret he had no way to help her, he couldn't even name a healing charm yet, but then Regulus startled right off the bar on top of them all when Longbottom barreled into Lupin and shoved him so hard away, he sent several more bottles crashing around them.

The following shouting and shoving that ensued was utter chaos until finally two clear shouts of "Protego!" sent the eight of them slammed back away from each other as if they were landing all over again.

Lily dropped hers at once and immediately turned to Alice, her advanced Charms work may not have as much practical practice as the Marauders' but she still knew enough of what she was doing she at least sealed the deep gashes along Alice's head. Reaching blindly, she only spotted a dusty old rag and cringed at using it to wipe the rest of her up, before the rest of her brain kicked in and she used Tergeo to great affect, and a quick Aguamenti to dampen it, heart thundering and hands shaking regardless. She hated blood.

James waited patiently, chest still heaving like he'd run the Quidditch pitch four times, until Alice's bright yellow eyes were finally blinking and she looked around in recognition. She was still exceptionally pale, and they were all now covered in blood and alcohol from it. He'd seen Remus lose more blood before and not lose consciousness though, so he was semi sure she was okay enough he dropped his own barrier, but still vibrated in place with adrenaline.

Peter got to his feet slowly, more than enough experience telling him to be cautious before someone else pounced, but when no one stopped him he hopped up onto the bar and swung himself to the other side, but stopped short of dropping down to offer his hand to Regulus to do the same, who was more than happy to swim out of this mosh pit if that was what it took.

Sirius took the precious seconds it was worth to see Remus hadn't fallen into the exact same predicament, but there was no visible blood streaming from him anywhere, so he lunged towards Longbottom fist raised.

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