Chapter 113: Dumbledore's Army

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Regulus found himself being slammed into something even harder than a wooden desk, though he hadn't thought that possible, but his ears still rung from the metal clang. When his eyes finally settled, he found himself face first against a locker. He didn't even know Hogwarts had lock- he gasped so loudly Peter looked over at him in concern as he kept rubbing at his own head until Regulus shouted, "we're in the Quidditch locker rooms!"

The captain of his team, Craig Sloper, had let him be a reserve Seeker this year, but so far he'd sat on the benches during practice while the actual Seeker, Aubrey Bertram, shot around perfectly managing to catch the Snitch every time; nobody had bothered letting him even get in the air for practice. They were all fifth year and above, and had shooed him away any time he tried to follow them into the locker rooms, now nobody was going to stop him getting a look around!

He opened the one he'd landed against eagerly to see the scarlet Gryffindor robes with Weasley on the back, though it didn't specify which one. There were three long, low benches and a chalkboard across from that on a wall, separating the two bathrooms, and he promptly took off to investigate those.

"Who gets that bloody excited about a locker room?" Lily asked, starting to wonder if she wasn't the only one getting hit on the head one too many times around here.

"I sure am," Alice said, getting stiffly to her feet once more, and like him making her way eagerly towards a hot shower. Lily followed at once in concern, but Alice's brief little rest seemed to have done her some good, she didn't stumble once over the small step into the girls' section and opened the first stall door without hesitation, so Lily politely turned away and began shucking her own clothes as she investigated the place. Across from the seven shower stalls were another set of stalls for toilets, and the same amount of sinks lining the wall where they'd entered. She got a funny laugh for a moment imagining all seven players and even seven reserve players all being in here at the same time as she turned on her own hot water.

By the time they stepped out they felt like singing, they were actually clean again, even if Lily's charm still had their school robes unsoiled at best. They stopped in surprise though to see Sirius Black and Lupin apparently hadn't joined the amenities yet, but were the only two in there still.

Black had apparently been trying to pace again and muttering something while Lupin held his hand, but the girls barely registered any of it as the two immediately shied away from each other upon seeing them. Then Black gave them a saucy smile and swaggered right up to them. "Evening ladies, sorry I couldn't join you."

Lily groaned in disgust and stalked away, as if she needed another Marauder idiot panting after her, but Alice laughed in surprise, she was absolutely positive he was joking.

Sirius Black seemed delighted at her response, and smiled winningly at Alice, only causing her to laugh harder until someone cleared their throat behind him.

Lily watched Black turn on the spot and glower at Frank once more, his blonde hair looking more brunet as it still clung in a wet plaster to his scalp, hands still itching to cause some kind of violence, even though the odd sight of Frank holding apparently every towel in this place and having to crane his head around the pile just to see was worth a question.

Lupin came up and grabbed the back of his shirt though, hauling him just slightly around Frank like a scolded puppy, and adding to the effect by saying, "come on Padfoot, bathtime."

They walked into the steam-filled room, only to find the others already wrapping up, James literally with a towel as he prodded at his grungy clothes miserably. "I think I'll burn these when we get back, should have grabbed a change of clothes like you did when I had the chance Sirius."

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