Chapter 70: The Triwizard Tournament

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Papers of varying importance went flying into the air, desks were knocked clean off their feet right along with them, and chairs and ink bottles pelted them all as the eight of them crash landed once more. At least none of the furniture came to life to attack them this time though.

"Alice!" Frank gasped at once, rushing madly to her side.

She assured him she was fine, a bit sore but fine, as she in turn thanked him profusely for the rescue. Lily and the Marauders were all getting to their feet as well in varying degrees of stiff pain before Frank remembered to look around more critically for the last of their group, and then cursing once more uneasily as he didn't automatically spot him.

They were in a very large, open office space, with world maps encircling all around them. Even a cursory look at one had it zooming in to Great Britain before he looked away dismissively and it returned back to normal. Doors lead off in an abundance of directions, several left casually open. The Marauders were already poking their heads inside curiously, Sirius calling out for his younger brother loud enough that anybody probably could have heard through several walls regardless.

Alice had his hand in a white knuckled grip, the question all but etched into her forehead even as she met his eyes without accusation. It was more than he deserved, if the lad really wasn't here then-

"I found him!" Lupin called from all the way back near the lifts. They all hurried over to find him splayed out uncomfortably, still flushed red in the face, but breathing alright as far as they could tell.

Sirius didn't seem ready to take anyone else's word for it as he tapped him repeatedly on the face. "Reggie? Come on you little shit, if you die on me I'm not explaining it to our parents."

He groaned, his eyelids fluttered for a moment, but while his face was returning to normal color he still remained lax. Sirius grabbed his shoulders and set him upright against his own shoulder while scowling at Frank.

"Poor kid," Lily said in sympathy. "I'm sure he'll be alright though." She hadn't really forgiven him yet for when he'd laughed at that foul word being used, but seeing how small he looked now was easing her up just a bit, as she reminded herself how impressionable people could be.

Potter cleared his throat and offered an awkward change of subject. "So, this is the Department Crouch runs eh? Looks a dump."

Peter couldn't stop a snort of surprise at the mess that they'd created. James gave him the most awkward smile imaginable, causing Peter to blush and wander off elsewhere. Baby steps.

Sirius watched him go with a scowl in place, before he looked at Prongs who was now watching his trainers intently. Then, softly from his arms he heard a muttered, "Five more minutes," and looked down in time to see his brother trying to burrow further into his arms, before his dark eyes fluttered open and he saw how close their faces were.

Regulus' immediately scrunched up in displeasure, and he said in no uncertain terms, "Let, go."

Sirius did. The brat fell to the floor and groaned as Sirius stormed off in any other direction that did not have a person in sight muttering about arseholes, his nose was probably still smarting.

"Well, now that that's all settled, I'm just going to," Potter waved his hand in the air once more, forever acting as if this was a casual day of studies and leisure. Then with a quick spell, the book was in his hand and he was perching himself on the nearest desk and flipping for his spot.

Alice gave the book a rather miffed look, it couldn't have bloody done that for her when she needed it? Lily went over to the nearest map and began inspecting it curiously, intrigued at once as she found it zooming in to show a nice wooded area, the same in fact as the one near her home. Curious, she then visualized in her mind downtown London, and was greeted with a deserted view of there as well.

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