Chapter 171: The Wedding

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The sensation of being shoved sideways through time had still never worn off for any of them no matter how many times it happened, and the loud mess of their landing continued to be extremely off putting.

Music was blaring from balloons, presents were likely ruined under Frank as he landed on the table of numerous boxes, Peter had a bowl of punch spilled over his head and Sirius sprawled out on the dance floor in a move he would not like repeated. Lily smacked so hard into the altar she was sure it would leave a permanent impression of the intricate flowers in her hair, and Regulus tore off no less than five tablecloths with the silverware Harry and his friends had painstakingly polished falling onto him.

Alice found herself in something wet and squishy, not altogether pleasant even as she spat something out of her mouth that tasted suspiciously sweet and delicious.

James appeared above her with a tiara on his head and a shit eating grin with his hand out. "Best hope we don't meet the bride, she'll kill you for destroying her cake."

She took the offering with one hand and slowly sat up just enough it wasn't noticeable her other hand was curling around the fluffy confection as she smiled back and said, "yes, it would be a shame for it all to go to waste," and lobbed it at him.

He ducked on instinct and laughed in delight, but his Quidditch instincts had kicked in too fast and only the barest hint of purple now greased the very tops of his fly away hair.

"Argh, Smith, you bloody Mudwallower."

The others froze and looked at him, Sirius wasn't even entirely sure if Peter and Evans knew what exactly Regulus had said, given that was a bit of an old fashioned term for a blood-traitor.

Regulus was still rubbing frosting from his eyes and hadn't quite managed to get a knife untangled from his hair, a tiny nick of blood on his nose blending it all into a sickening mess as he tried to get back to his feet for a second time, all the more confused when he finally managed it, and he frowned while demanding, "what?" With that old frostiness in his voice once more.

"Um," Alice looked uncomfortably from Frank opening his mouth in outrage, to Sirius and Peter, but then Regulus' eyes got very wide and he hopped back into a chair, falling clean over it.

"Sorry," he yelped. "I just heard what I said-I didn't mean- I swear- sorry!"

"It's okay," she brushed off with an easy smile again, twisting this way and that with her wand to start cleaning herself up, hiding any discomfort that could have been there if there even was, and James couldn't tell. "I'm not going to start a war with your family over some cake and slurs."

"Good," he tried to say like he meant it, because he really did as he sat down in the next available chair, but he still felt more accused than repentant yet. "Didn't mean it, honestly."

She gave him one last smile as she finished getting the dessert off and promised, "not holding a grudge," and then skipped over to throw herself into a chair only the next table over that had some very delicate table settings she wanted a closer look at. Frank went slowly over to join her, shaking his head but trying to brush it off as easily.

James wandered off to the buffet of food in the back that had mercifully been saved and Peter came over to sit by Regulus with the book in hand only a moment later with a quiet muttered, "don't fret mate, bad habits die hard," with a tolerable look at Sirius who was coming over. Clearly not wanting any part of that, he cracked the book open and began ruffling around for the chapter.

Sirius threw himself across two chairs and gave his little brother a level look that still made Regulus think he was about to get some sort of lecture. He had no idea what kind, Sirius didn't strike him as if he were father about to launch off for one of his blood purities, only the opposite kind.

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