Who is She?

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"Who is she?" Simons reads off their latest sidemen video, a clip catching Chloe walking through the background around their flat. Her long chestnut hair bouncing with each step before she was out of frame.

"Oh god not another one."  Chloe laughed, looking over at his phone.

"It's like you're teasing them." He let a breathy laugh.

"How am I? You're the one doing the recording in that shot!" Chloe persisted. "Besides I don't understand why they're so intrigued in me. I mean they're there to watch you. You barely even see me."

"You're a mystery chloe, they have no clue who you are. Suppose that makes them wonder how you know us."

"Oh yeah that interesting story." Chloe rolled her brown eyes. "So through a friend of a friend I met Simon and ever since then we've been mates, wow so interesting. Giving hope to all the teen girls with the right connections you can be mates with people who've made it in life." She mocked.

"Alright alright calm down." Simon nudged. "They probably think your one of our girlfriends."

"Oh god, I'd rather shit in my hands and clap." She shivered.

"Hey." Simon nudged again. "What's wrong with us?"

"Well first of all like two of you have girlfriends. Two of you are going through a breakup, and one of you is sorter seeing someone but claims they're single. It's a whole lotta confusing that I'm not prepared to go near." Chloe laughed.

"Well. You're not wrong." Simon said thinking about who she was talking about. Josh and JJ maintained their relationships. Ethan was seeing someone however wasn't ready to not be single. And finally Simon and Harry both going through the awkward stages of a relationship ending. Harry broke up with his girlfriend a month ago while Simon had a little longer to absorb the heartbreak.

"Besides, being single is too much fun."

"Yeah I love it." Simon frowned.

"Oh come on. We've got Ibiza soon, you can rock being single there." Chloe hummed as she scooted closer to Simon on the sofa.

"I highly doubt that." Simon said looking down at chloe. His heart rate increasing as she rest her head on his shoulder. The awkward barrier between them had broken since simons breakup. The slight touches seemed more appropriate now that he was single.

"I still can't believe I'm going with you guys." Chloe mumbled.

"It's quite lucky your annual leave came through." Simon added.

Chloe wasn't originally invited for their holiday. The boys - Simon, Ethan, JJ, both cals, and Harry all booked a last minute trip away, the others deciding it wasn't their scene. Chloe wasn't bothered until her work forced her to take a holiday week. It was the last month of the work year (may to may) and she still had a week of holiday to use, she'd lose it if she didn't book it. By chance the dates aligned and boys suggested she come so she wouldn't be on her own - even though she wouldn't. Chloe lives in a flat in London with a coworker from the hospital, roughly 20 minutes travel from the boys in each direction. She always had a friend or two to see besides the boys. With one room left she was lucky to get the same hotel with the boys, but unfortunately different flights. However two hours difference wasn't the end of the world.

"Only two days away now. I've got one shift left and then I'm sorted. Speaking of which I should probably head home for some dinner. My night shift is in 3 hours." She moaned as she rose from the sofa much to simons disappointment. Even though Chloe was tall for a girl, her 5ft 7 stature still seemed small to Simon.

"Well I'll see you in Ibiza." He smiled.

"I'll see you there." She smiled back as she made her way to the door.

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