"Go to class! Everyone! Right now!"

No one moved.

"I said,GO TO CLASS RIGHT NOW!"he ordered. Again no one moved. I looked at Candice whose face remained low. At the end of the day we are equal and I don't want to belittle her. Hard to believe,huh?

"Call the reporters here dad,I made a dumb mistake,"she whispered.

"What do you mean a mistake Candice baby?"he asked,his face written in confusion.

"I...I...impersonated Tara on news. When they were looking for her I said that I'm her and I was interviewed."she looked up level into my eyes,tears gathering,a sob escaping her mouth,"Tara,insult me,beat me,even kill me,but forgive me! I'm so sorry for being a piece of bullshit to you. To all of you,"she raised her voice,"I'm sorry!" She ran away from the glare of everyone towards the washroom. Her cronies ran with her to escape the guilt already killing them.

Mr Orona looked at me unbelievably. He was shocked beyond description,by the way his perfect daughter turned her back against him. He was speechless,and instead turned back to his office.

The quiet place burst in an uproar as everyone encircled me to congratulate me. Jason came and carried me and everyone chanted,


I was speechless by how things turned out. It was an unexpected success. Finally I'm being understood. Someone feels the exact pain I go through every single day. And I'm glad that I was able to speak out who knows what would have happened if I hadn't.

The cameras snapped suddenly as I was being put down,and the same reporter came to interview me. I chuckled at me myself as I thought, Truly what goes round comes round.


The plane touched down at Milan at exactly six thirty in the morning. Feels weird that it's so early yet I left home at one in the afternoon. I nudged Jason to wake up. Really it's supposed to be me sleeping,but boys are just boys. I guess the excitement of the winners gala coupled with last week's adrenaline has been keeping me up. It was an emotional bye at the airport at home because the package just had one ticket for one person and two nights stay at the hotel we were going to. My dad entrusted Jason to me as we left,still oblivious to the drama. As I said earlier,let the sleeping dogs lie.

"We're here? That took way too long,"he drawled as he stretched. People were leaving the plane,so I picked my carry on and joined the stream of people leaving the plane. "Wait for me!"he yelled as he went right behind me.

After clearing with the customs duty and the luggage center,we slowly looked for anything that symbolised the organisers picking us up. Fortunately I saw a bright banner and I pulled Jason's hand towards it. Suddenly cameras flashed in my eyes as I heard many people speaking Italian,which I don't even understand.

"Hello. My name is Florentine Rodriguez,at your service."she smiled and offered her hand towards me. Her badge read the same name with the same photo,"you must be the real Tara Lapikinsi,huh?"she chuckled,and I smiles back.

"You can be sure this is the real deal,"I joked back,taking her hand sharing a friendly handshake.

"And I presume you're Jason Waters? Oh my,hasn't anyone told you you're damn hot!"she commented with a smile.

"I get that a lot but I'm getting used to it,"he answered,also with a smile.

"Ok...enough photos,our winneres are exhausted trying to adjust to different time zones,"her voice grew stern,"lemme get the porter - oh here he is,"a man came with a trolley and dumped our bags on them.

"We're heading to the hotel,you guys can rest,but tomorrow we're doing a tour based in literature with the rest then later we'll listen to inspirational speeches from great writers in Italy...but I'll brief you on the schedule,"she moved fast,and we had to quicken our strides to be at par with her.

The car...the car...I'm speechless. It was a red Ferrari,they are common here,but for me,this is a first time experience. I was in awe until Jason shut my mouth and gave me a knowing smile. I swatted his hand and he cried out in mock pain. I rolled my eyes and entered my back left as he sat back right.

The ride to the hotel was quiet,and I kept on stealing glances at Jason,still wondering how he's still my friend after rejecting him days ago. He's changed so much from his days of being a bully. He's more of a gentleman to the girls around him,more respectful to teachers(but still jokes around during lessons)and he's good company. I don't know what made him change,I don't know whether he would ever tell me.

"Like what you see Tara?"he turned to me grinning.

"You're joking Jason! Don't you know -"

"Know what?"he raised his eyebrow.

I was going to tell him that he's trash,but I feared that he will take it personally instead of a joke.

"That we've come from so far,you were my bully,my archenemy with Kenzie and Candice's squad,but things have straightened out! This is so amazing!"I said.

"That's true Tara,and you're being rewarded for your work. Congrats to you,"he replied quietly,briefly taking my hand. I suddenly felt goosebumps travelling down it and I swallowed a developing stone. I smiled uneasily at him and looked out of the window.

Something tells me that this is more than just a gala I'm attending. I'm about to...find something new here,in the city I love dearly. Time will come where I shall soon find out.

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