Chapter Nula/One

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Now, I know what you are probably thinking about this story. Your average boy trying to fulfill his destiny in becoming the number one hero or one who tries to find this nest of monsters, or to be the OG ninja.
This isn't My Hero Academia or Naruto. I think about the bigger pictures here. I don't have one goal.
And truth be told; I'm not your typical protagonist. Probably heard about this so many times.
And this is not an ordinary tale. So, let me tell about it.
Okay, our Earth is somewhat like yours, but so different as well. This is called Mid-World, due to our world being in the middle of the ten realms. Here, the society of heroism, cutting edge technology and wonderful magic coexist with another. We have a another realm called Somnus; where fantasy becomes reality. We also have two worlds that are reminiscent of Heaven and Hell, and six more realms. People don't really talk about those, though.
Compare to us, Somnus is more magically advanced but the normal Earth that I have is more technologically advanced. The enemies of Somnus is Tenebrau, militant as those two worlds, Pandemona and Heaven are. We try to stay away from the conflict, yet they bring souvenirs to your world.
You'll see soon enough.
Heck, people of Somnus still have a King sitting on the throne. I should give them some credit, though. We maintain peace with them for seven-hundred years, with the Tenebrau Dynasti being the thorns they been known for.
There are schools where you can be one of the six; Protectors, Shinobis, Hunters, Meisters, Vanguards and Wreckers.
Protectors are hero-oriented, Meisters the magician-oriented, and so forth. The greatest school to enroll in is Surwick, which is in the N.U.S.N.
More on the N.U.S.N. later in the story. I am acting like I'm a transfer student from Raven River. However; that's a lie. I hope it is a clever, yet reasonable lie. If I actually tell people about what I am actually—Not the Heart-Bond part, the other part.
I'm an assassin, actually---a child soldier from a faction of mercenaries that were involved in a horrible accident in May 10. My powers are so powerful, I have yet to fully control them. A Heart-Bond; that's what I am. An endangered species with powers that can make heathen gods of olden times tremble in fear.
To become one, you must bond with a Heart. That's what we call the creatures sent by God. However, they were more feared than respected, hunted by the very humans that idolized them. My Heart's name is Igneus and let me tell you; he is a pain in the rear to deal with.
I am trying to redeem myself, to be greater.
To be a Hero.
So, with the abundance of skeletons in my closet, I'm going to Surwick for four things:
To restore my species' honor.
To become the first Heart-Bonded Protector in history.
To escape my bloody and violent past of a mercenary.
And last; to find out on why my parents were murdered that night.
If I can find truth with two of these: I will feel contempt within self.
My name is Ryoji Dragomir Kazama.
Me and my future classmates will pave the way to the Realm of Hearts.

"The world is all yours now, my beloved."

May 25, 2027

I remember when I used to dream things, things so small and useless that I forget then...I remember. That was, when I was younger and back at Surwick, that was....eight years ago; when I was only twelve years old. Damn. Has the time really escape my grasp? I felt old all of a sudden, watching the birds land in their nest and deer eating grass innocently in this old castle that belonged to the late Alucard. I remember: I was twelve when I took Avignon as my permanent residence.
Now I'm twenty years old, my birthday was about fifteen days ago, and one I will never forget. I spent it with people who love me unconditionally. I felt the pain in my heart and filled it with mercy and love. Although I feel old, I wasn't as I looked in the mirror. My hazel hair was short and had plenty of blond streaks in it, which was a far cry as I used to have brown hair as long as Rapunzel. Heh. My body was rock hard, which was the cost of genetic experimentations and strenuous training. There were two scars on my face: One on the bridge of my nose and one on my right cheek. I got that one from you, ol buddy. Sure, they have faded but that was one hell of a fight. Good times. I was wearing the standard uniform that was given to all of us from this stupid war, but added my spin.
....What's that? I'm not gonna tell you about it. This is only a sneak peek into the future! I fought the most dastardly of villains, traveled to many breathtaking places.....And that's that...Tako je kako je....Deal with it.
"Hey, Ryoji."  Said a orange reptile, I knew him. It was Igneus: My Heart, my partner-in-crime. He used to be so small! His height used to be about 3'08", now he was about 6'8" and weighing 472 lbs. Igneus's hair was riddled with prismatic-colored hair, long, pointy and expressive ears, and lit up every room with his smile, filled with dagger-like teeth. He had clothes on, he wasn't a nudist or anything like that. "Igneus. Kako si?" I asked him in Croatian, my father's tongue.
"Ništa." He said, he looked down at me as I used to for him when we were younger. "I just came back from Somnus with some good news: King Regis will back us up with 800,000 soldiers. They will arrive in the Realm of The Moon tomorrow."
"That's pleasant to hear." I said before scoffing. "King Regis. I remember when he was an asshole of a prince. Time really has gone by. Has it, Iggy?"
He nodded with a tearful look. "I can't believe it, either. We're...We're actually adults now."
"You really think that?"
He pounded his chest once, a habit he used to do when he wanted to become riled up for a fight. "Damn straight I do!"
"Get help." I jested with himself to ease his anxiety. He was the most anxious of the two of us, always been since we first became one. He hugged the hell outta me too, praising me and how much he cares about me. "Once an asshole: Always an asshole!"
I managed to get out of his dragon-hug, with a simple question. "I forgot to ask you since she was with you and Elliot. They were supposed to meet up with Funka and me. Where are they?"
"They were right behind-"
"Here am I!!" Yelled a familiar yet feminine voice, there was Akina. She ran towards me and gave me a big hug, I spun her around before I put her down. I won't really describe her because she's the yin to my yang in this magnificent story, she is as important as I am.
"I met up with Funka and her army about five minutes ago. They finished up the battle of Jeila."
"How many dead?"
"Just twenty brave souls who didn't follow her orders. She's the best of the best."
Another female entered my room, and I knew just who she was. Funka Redbird Berunji, whose spiky hair reminded me of the orange leaves of autumn, her pink eyes shined bright with happiness about seeing the man she once hated. She had a beautiful, yet athletic figure and stood about 5'8". Her neck had a scar on it because of an attempt on her life was taken and had succeeded. So, she had a tattoo reminiscent of that of a bead necklace with some cardinals holding it to hide the inflicted scar. She used to be decent-looking when she was younger—But now she is so goddamn gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her as she lit up a warming smile
"Thank god you're alive." She sighed as I kissed her hand, she blushed slightly from it. "Oh, Ryo," that was her nickname for me, "you shouldn't."
I rose up. "I should. I am, after all, speaking to a proficient commander who managed to only lose twenty lives in the Battle of Jeila. I am honored to even-"
Funka was not one to enjoy long praises. "Cut the bullsh*t. Even to this day, you still give me these long winded appraisals, you still haven't changed a bit after all these years. You two: go back to the front gate, we'll catch up."
The two looked at each other and grinned mischievously, thinking of vulgar and lewd acts. They saw their commander getting boiled up, so they left with Funka taking a deep breath. Her and I walked slowly, she would  grab her long, brown dress with red feathers so that she wouldn't trip on them as she did nearly five years ago, so it was a habit she picked up. Funka was a tomboy at heart—a dress like this she abhorred initially, now she wears the dress with dignity.
"They are so dirty-minded, those two. I remember when I couldn't stand Igneus, he was such a perv. Do you remember?"
I chuckled before answering her question."Yep. I reckon so, you didn't have him living inside you for ten years—Now did you—Um..That sounded wrong, didn't it?"
"Yes and no." She smiled before it turned into a serious face. "Ryoji: How are you feeling?" She didn't used to do this but ever since our bond has became so strong, she would put her luke (not onions) warm hands upon my face; it felt so good when she did this. "I want the truth and nothing but the truth."
I hesitated at first, until her eyes grew big on me. "I don't know what to think, anymore, Funka. I have witness so much death I have seen in the past year than my days as an assassin. I don't want war anymore. I don't want discord anymore. I want-"
"I'm sorry to interrupt you, my—" she held her tongue and rephrased, "I know how you feel. I do, we need to do this. You, me, Akina, everybody have endured just as much." She took her hands off my face, and the bleak reality returned. Come to think about it, we used to hate each other so much but now...I feel as if she is my world and I need to protect her—at all cost.
Finally, we have reached our destination: The front gate. I looked at some of my comrades, I didn't want to spoil their names or anything, so I won't give you even their description about their personality, their powers, their looks, etc.
Spoiler Alert: you will not see some of these guys in the first year.
Every year I had since becoming a part of Surwick has been octane packed. Every year with the end being an even-number, there is a curse where tragedy unfolds in Surwick. I've—no, we all lost friends and loved ones here. All of us are ready to take back the power Corheim stole and convert it into peace.
"Are you ready?"
"To go into Corheim-The Realm of Heartz? It's time to finish this bloody war. For the friends we lost.."
"To the innocent lives that were took away."
"Even though I only have three percent of my power, I will participate in this battle."
"The Royal Sentinels started this. Now: Let us give them the courtesy of giving them a Buluc entree."
"Enough talk! I'm ready!"
"Yeah! I'm all hyped up for this!"
"I'm tired of seeing unneeded blood spilt. Let's go."
Funka and I both asked the crowd at the same time. "Surwick: What do we do when we fight our enemies?"
All of them had their hands up in the air and shouted from the bottom of their lungs, "SHOW THEM OUR MIGHT!!!!!"

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now