Laurens P.O.V

"Lauren!" I heard the teacher shout. I looked up to see him look at me angrily. I was looking out the window at first and I noticed the rest of the class was saying their times tables. I glared at him and he shouted again "stand up!".
I stood up not taking my eyes of his. "Look at this children, do you plan on killing me with your eyes?" He said pointing at me. I was fuming. "Lower your eyes, girl!" he shouted. I did not obey him, I continued to stare at him.

"Come here." ..."I said come here now!" , he shouted. I walked over to him angrily, my fists balled up. He slapped me very hard but I did not move, he slapped me again and I did not move. Frustrated he looked at me and said "Learn to control your anger, one day you will pay for it, now go back to your place and pay attention!". I glared at him as I turned to walk back to my place.

Thats when I heard a boy ask his friend "Why is she always so angry?". To which the friend replied "Did you not hear, her mother ran away with a richer man and left her and father"...that was the last straw I walked up to the boy and grabbed his collar, "what did you say?" I asked...he pushed my hands off him and swore me. I grabbed his collar again and punched his jaw.
He hit back but I dodged, I pinned him to the desk and punched and punched his stupid fuckin face till the teacher came and grabbed me, he threw me out of the classroom.

As I was out of the class, I was boiling with anger when I didn't notice another girl who came and sat next to me, what was she doing?I was still so angry, I looked at her and our eyes met, she had beautiful brown, honey eyes, she was very pretty, her hair was brown and curly and suited her really well and her smile was so sweet and soft. My anger dropped slightly and I relaxed there was something reassuring about her. She then spoke "Being angry is not good, you can get yourself in serious trouble." Oh just great another preacher, I rolled my eyes...I was about to get up when she grabbed my hand and told me to sit.

I don't know what made me listen to her. I sat and she began digging in her bag, she pulled out a unicorn, it looked very dear to her, I didn't know what she was doing. She ran a her hand through her hair and put out the unicorn for me to take, I hesitantly took it. "What's this for?" I asked her raising an eyebrow. "Its name is Ifos, when I am sad or angry I just hold him and I feel much better. I want to have him, maybe he can help you too "she said in her angelic voice. Why was she so nice to me? She didn't even know me. "I can't take this, it is yours" I said simply. "Yes but it is yours now" she said as she got up and walked of not before turning around and smiling at me. I felt much better but as soon as she left, the memories of my mother flooded back into my head and anger consumed me once again.

I went home later that day and Mike kept asking me why I was so angry..."Did you get into another fight at school again Lauren?", he asked. I looked up at him angrily, I was boiling with anger. He tried feeding me, I refused, "You have to eat Lauren!" He shouted. I got up "I DON'T WANT TO EAT YOUR STUPID FUCKING FOOD!"I barked. I was about to stomp of when he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall saying "You won't get anything in life with this attitude of yours! And you listen to me carefully, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO SHE IS NEVER COMING BACK!SHE IS GONE, FORGET ABOUT HER, YOUR MOTHER LEFT US LAUREN AND THE SOONER YOU GET OVER HER THE BETTER! And keep this in mind ,A beautiful women never belongs to anyone, neither her husband or father nor their children, get that in your head! He stormed of.

I stood there angry with the world , angry with my dad, angry with my mother and most of all angry with myself, was I not good enough?, did she not love me enough, that she had to run away.... without me. I fell to the ground in tears, with a broken heart.

End of flashback


Narrators P.O.V

Lauren jolted up in her bed she was sweating heavily and she had tears running down her cheeks. Her breathing was heavy and she felt almost numb. She looked to the time, it was only 8:34pm. This was common with Lauren she had nightmares, one could not blame her as she was only 8 when her dad took her away from her home forever after her mother ran away, her PTSD,was very severe.Lauren got up and poured herself some water, she drank it so fast as her throat burned like fire.

She stepped outside for some fresh air. She thought about her mother and how much she wished her mother would come back at the same time, her eyes hardened, she never wanted to see that bitch's face again. She had to escape it all yet again, she got into her car and drove to the one place she knew she could take her mind of things.

She got out of her car and entered the building, she took the elevator to the 12th floor. When she got there she walked up to the first apartment on the left. She knocked on the door, it was opened by a sexy brunette. "Lauren are you okay?" She asked. "Lucy, I need you" said Lauren before she crashed her lips onto the brunettes who  returned the kiss, shutting the door.

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