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My stomach is already sinking in dread before I even turn around. Oh, great. Please tell me it's not...

"Lucy. How nice to see you again." Lauren snorts.

Lucy Vives grins at us as though greeting old friends. "Sup, losers?"

"I really don't have time for this." Before Lucy can get another word in, I tighten my grip on Lauren's arm and drag her away.

Lauren resists at first, glancing over her shoulder at the other woman. "Aw, I wanted to tease her a little. She gets SO mad when I remind her you won fair and square."

The table is still getting set up. Pulling Lauren to the side, I look beseechingly up at her. "Lolo, please. You know she only keeps bothering us because you keep giving her a reaction!"

"What am I supposed to do? Just ignore her?"

"...Yes? Literally, yes." I comment.

An alarm on my phone goes off, reminding me of why we're here. Lauren's phone beeps at the same time. With a grin, she bends down and pecks my cheek. "Okay, doll. Gotta get to work. If we fraternize any longer, people really WILL think we're cheating."

I'm sure they're going to think that anyway... but winning against Lauren isn't satisfying if I don't do it on my own merit. Sure, I'd learned a few tricks, but by and large it doesn't give me the same rush.

Sitting down at the head of the table, Lauren greets the other players with her usual flourish and charm. "Lots of familiar faces here tonight. Everybody feeling lucky?"

"Extremely." Lucy answers back. I can't help but shoot a dark glare over at Lucy, sitting opposite me. The girl just winks in return.

Master of the poker face as she is, Lauren keeps her charming hostess personality up without a hitch. "And remember, kids. This is a legit operation. I don't wanna see any shady business from any of you."

"What kinda shady business? Like dating the dealer?" Lucy remarks.

Lauren flicks her hair over her shoulder, pointedly ignoring Lucy and blowing me a kiss instead. "I'm not going to go easy on you."

"You'd better not, or you're sleeping on the couch tonight." I say back. There's a ripple of laugher across the table.

There's a lot at the stake tonight, but the whole ambience of the place is less tense than the Ruby Heart. Or maybe I'm just more confident? I keep my eyes on Lauren as she deals, reminiscing about how far we've come. Now that I think about it, there'll never be any stakes higher than the Ruby Heart. The gang's pride was on the line... and Lauren's affection, as well.

"Wait, wait." Lucy says. "Maybe I got it wrong. You ARE still dating Lo, right?"

"Sure am." I simply answer.

"Wow. It's lasted... what, five months? Six? That's impressive."

"Always with the relationship bit. Is that the only fuel you have against me?" I say. "Come up with better material."

"It's the most obvious chink in your armor, kid. I gotta exploit it."

"Nice excuse. Sure you're not jealous?" I grin at Lucy.

"Woof. Not at all. Lauren reeks like booze." Lucy hold a poker face. "I get a contact high just talking to her." Ugh. Seriously? "Just saying, even if you and Jauregui are rock solid... that doesn't mean the Valentine gang is gonna keep you around forever."

"I'm not getting kicked out of the gang any time soon. I'm more than Lauren's girlfriend- they need me." I sit straight in my chair also keeping a poker face. "If you played poker half as much as you talk trash, you might still have a job, too."

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