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My heart is beating out of control, but I haven't lost all my wits. Not just yet, anyway.

"This has to be a mistake. There's no way my parents were involved in secret underground gambling rings!." I state. Even just saying it out loud feels ridiculous!

Surely Lauren can see that, too? But she doesn't move, sprawled comfortably across my lap. A frown at the corners of her lips. "Oh, but they were, kid. I never forget a face." Her thumb rubs over my cheek. "You're just as pretty as your mom."

I turn my head aside, Swallowing nervously. "But if you hate them so much than why bother saving me from the other gang?"

"How should I know?" Lauren says shaking her head lightly. "That was Chris' call. I was expecting him to return with your parents, not you." She looks a little angry.

"Whatever happened between you and my parents isn't my business. I was just house sitting!"

"So you're just abandoning them to their fate, huh? That's pretty cold, kid." Lauren's anger already gone smirking at me.

The doors open again and I freeze, realizing how this must look from the outside. My blood rushes to my face. What's going to happen if the gang thinks Lauren is just in here messing around?

There's a loud sigh. "Lauren, get off the Cabello girl and come over here." Chris says calmly but sternly.

Lauren doesn't tear her gaze away from me, a serene and patient smile on her face. "I'm working."

"Don't make me repeat myself."

A flash of irritation. I can sense a conflict of wills, Lauren struggling between following the order of sticking to her own plan. When she finally decides, she leans down and winks at me. "If you can't take me to your parents, you'll have to come up with the money yourself. Like it or not, you're involved now."

"Lauren!" Chris gets impatient.

Lauren sighs. Weight lifts off of me, bringing relief as she strides over to Chris and closes the open door. He gestures for her to come closer as they step outside, speaking in low whispers.

Now that they're distracted...There are no other exits except that one door. I eye the pair of the critically, standing just outside the door frame. Maybe if I run really fast...? Agh, there's no way! They're both so much bigger than me!

Before I have time to think of another plan, Lauren returns to me. She seems lighter than before, back to her syrupy-sweet persona. "You look tired, sweetie." She says.

Is this a trap? Is she inviting me to sleep with the fishes or something? "A little."

"Poor thing. Well, you can stay here for the night." I open my mouth to object but she beats me to it with a rebuttal ready. "Think carefully before you reject my protection. We're not the only gang after your parents, obviously."

Vividly, I remember the way it felt to stare down the barrel of a gun. They keep telling me they're protecting me. But what if that other gang was working for Chris?

"Where is she sleeping?" Chris asks

"In my part of the house, of course. Come along, dear." Lauren nods her head to the open door and begins to leave. Startled, I realize I'm meant to follow. Well, it's not like I have any choice... and I don't like the way Chris is staring at me, eyes narrowed and arms crossed.

As I trot behind Laure, I expect to climb up a set of stairs. But instead, she leads me to an elevator and takes up us up to another floor.


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