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The next morning, we don't discuss what happened. I don't want them all fighting when we're supposed to be on the same side. Once we cool down we'll be of more help to the team. Can't win a poker game when you're playing on tilt.

"Let's get out of here." I say

Lauren grabs her keys at once, leaning over and pecking me on the cheek. "Read my mind." She raises her voice, shouting in case any passing ear might catch our conversation. "After all, it's not like anybody here needs us!" Nobody responds, so Lauren huffs.


Lauren drives fast. Going well past the speed limit. Leaning back in my seat, I close my eyes and enjoy the ride. Warm sunlight and ocean air soothe me. We grab a coffee to go and visit silly tourist traps, spend too much money.

"So where to next, beautiful?" Lauren asks smiling at me.

My stomach answers for me, rumbling louder than the engine. Lauren's eyebrows shoot up, giving me a shocked look. "...I would kill for a burger." I answer her.

The smile on her face is brighter than the sun. she reaches over to walk her fingers over my shoulder and I play slap her away, giggling. "Fast food? I kind of wanted to treat you today. Think hard, Camz. What would make you really, really happy?"

"Just being with you makes me hungry, Lolo." I gasp, quickly correcting myself. "Happy! Being with you makes me happy!" Lauren sputters in laughter, so hard that tears slide from her eyes. "Oh my god. That was such a perfect moment and I ruined it. I'm the worst girlfriend!"

"You're the best, you're just distracted. So let's get a burger."

It takes a while, but we reach Lauren's favorite burger place. Gallantly, she opens the door with an exaggerated bow. I laugh, heading inside and dragging her in after me. I snuggle close to her, enjoying the sound of her laughter. Lauren's charisma makes her a beacon for all sorts of attention. When she's happy, the whole world feels like it's singing. 'and when she's sad... I'd do anything to make her smile.'

"What's on your mind?" Lauren asks while toying the tip of my nose with her straw, dabbing a bit of milkshake onto it.

I laugh again, cleaning my face. "Just thinking about how to fix things. I get why they want us out of the mess, but Chris can't keep us in the back."

"He won't. Not for long. I'll make him see." I reach across the table and take her hand. Lauren winks, kissing the back of my palm. "But let's not talk shop right now, baby. I'm enjoying our date."

"it is nice to go on a normal date with you again..."

She tilts her head to the side, curious. "Do you really like this? Just... hanging out with me?"

"Of course I do. I thought you did, too."

Lauren agrees with me, giving my hand another kiss with a thoughtful look on her face. "I love it. But you know I can't promise you that it'll always be this way. There's always so much crazy, bad, dangerous crap happening around me."

"Lo... I accepted that side of you the moment I decided to stay." I move to sit on her side of the booth, lowering my voice to whisper in her ear. "Besides, you should know by now how much I like it when you're bad."

This close to her, I can feel her shiver. Tracing a finger down her forearm, I relish the sensation. "Mmmm...I..." her hand squeezes my lap, gripping it tight. "We should carry on this conversation in private." She winks, darting in quick to nip my shoulder. The bite almost stings and I laugh again, squirming in place.

"Wanna head home?" I ask.

"No way. Chris wants me gone, right? So let's skip town." Lauren has an arm around my waist as we head outside. She gets in the driver's seat, stroking my thigh as she drives.

Gangster in Love - CamrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora