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Lauren settles down on both knees before me, slinking up the edge of my skirt. She fastens the leather in place with a kiss, tongue stark red against the silver buckle.

"Okay, okay, enough!" bright red, I turn away from her and clear my throat. "Serves me right for asking your help getting dressed."

"You know I'm better at taking it all off." Getting up, Lauren winks and straitens her tie. "And I can't help myself around that leather holster you have baby. You look so good in black."

Standing up. I take a glance at myself in the mirror. Lauren had this suit custom made for me, making sure to incorporate my own usual style into it. The gun holster is a nice touch, if I say so myself. "I look like I belong."

"you do look the part, but I want you to hang back. Just in case."

The words surprise me. Turning to her, I tuck my hands into her suit jackets, feeling for the holster just over her chest. "You know how bad it made you feel when the others tried to exclude you from the pains?" Lauren hums. She seems a little distracted still, taking my hand to kiss the back of my knuckles. So I press further, making sure she understands. "Lolo. Think, for a second."

Guilt eats up her expression, cutting right through her open lust. I love Lauren, because of how different she is from me. And I love her because in her I see a mirror, who I could have been. Someone who understands me.

"Oh. Right. Sorry. Guess I should have known better."

"It's okay... I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

She thinks about it, clearly torn. "I won't let you get hurt. But I won't get in your way, either." She relents. "Then again, you're a big girl, you can handle yourself." Then she pets my thigh holster again, shark-like grin biting into me with the next kiss. "That big thing strapped under your skirt's proof enough of that."

"Lolo!" I get flustered again as she laughs.

Coming downstairs, Chris and the others are waiting for us at the doorway, looking sharp as ever. Zayn preens over his hair for a bit, looking at his reflection on the blade of his katana.

"Are we ready to get our reputation back?" Lauren says confidently.

"Born ready." Shawn grins.

"I trust Camila memorized the maps as usual?" Liam asks me.

I nod, tapping my temple. "All up here. So it's gonna be Lolo and I, Chris and Shawn, and you're with Zayn."

"Good luck out there." Shawn gave me a small nod with a small smile.

"Same to you."

We all take off in separate cars, arriving at the facility under the cover of darkness. Shawn is near us, setting up the scope of a sniper rifle to check out the surroundings. One by one, Chris gives us the signal to move in, and we follow the plan like clockwork.

Once we're safely inside, Shawn opens fire from above. One by one, sentries fall, and we stealthily head towards the inner rooms.

"They should have transport for each package." I whisper. It's all a lot of money, but the cargo itself is rather small. Even for a gang like Mahone's, it's hard to get too much over the border these days. It's mostly unguarded.

With Shawn and Chris watching out exit route, and Zayn and Liam clearing out the hallways, that leaves Lauren and I to appraise our loot.

"Garbage. That's a fake." Lauren tosses a perfect replica of another famous jewel over her shoulder. "Can get a lot of money for the right fake. Smart guy, my brother."

Gangster in Love - CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now