Just Reminding You

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*Stevie's POV*

"Ellie! guess what!" I yell even though I'm only about three feet away from her.

"Do you need to shout?" She is sitting on the coach on her phone.


"Shhh. What?" She asks irritated.

"It's my birthday in one week." I whisper.


"It's my birthday in one week." I whisper in her ear.

"I know."

"Just reminding you." I smile and leave the living room.

I go out in the garage and put Ash on her leash. I grab my longboard and walk out the door. I walk Ash by riding my longboard and she runs beside me. Sometimes she pulls me, she has been good and not made me fall so far.

I look over because Ash is starting to pull my to the side. Some guy is jogging with his dog. Ash starts to run while I'm distracted and pulls me off my longboard. I fall on my hands and knees. Luckily I didn't let go of the leash. I stand up quickly hoping nobody saw that. I look down at my bloody hands then my knees. I'm hurt pretty bad.

"Dammit Ash!" I yell at the dog.

I pick up my board and walk home dragging her behind me.

When I walk in the garage I put my board down then put Ash in her timeout crate, because I'm mad at her. I walk inside the house.

"Ellie?" I yell.

"What?" She asks still sitting on the sofa.

"Help me."

She looks up at me and her eyes widen.

"Stevie! What the hell happened? Are you alright?"

"Ash made my wreck. It hurts just a lot." I say.

"Okay, sit down." She leads me into the kitchen and I sit on the countertop.

She cleans up my wounds and puts bandages on some of them.

"This cut is pretty deep. You might need stitches?" She stares at a cut on my hand in disgust.

"Eww." I say and turn away from it.

"Should we go just incase? It won't stop bleeding." She says and holds the towel back on it.


"Let's go." She says an helps me off the counter.

"No..." I'm a little scared of the ER.

"It's fine. I'll be with you."

"Fine." I give in easily because I know it's bad. I must have fallen on a piece of broken glass.

I get in the passenger seat of the car and Ellie drives us to the hospital, which isn't to far from our house.

I hold the small towel on my hand while we walk in and Ellie keeps her hand on my lower back.

A nurse comes up to us. "Hi, do you need an ER doctor?" She asks kindly.

"Uhh yeah." I answer.

"May I have a look at it?" She asks.

I move the towel away and she takes a brief look at the cut.

"Ooh, you will need some stitches there." She says and puts my hand with the towel back over it.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

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